A Heartfelt Thank You to Glenn

I will say that you are one person on this board that i know i met.. :)
it was great hanging with you when i did... you always have a reason to visit ATL if you need to...


Thanks for the kind words, I had a blast hanging out with you and wish we could have done more together. I guess it was kind of tough (but completely understandable) that I had to compete with practically every band member and guy there for your attention, haha! (just kidding). Man, I was soooooo jealous when you got to go backstage.

Seriously, you rock, you are a terrific person, and I will always raise the sword of metal, while hiding under the shield of dorkness in your honor.

**Hugs** :)

I finally got home at 2am Monday morning, but I still can't believe this incredible weekend even happened!! Glenn, I wish I was able to have thanked you in person for putting together the absolute _best_ show I've ever seen! ALL of the bands were spectacular! Everyone I met was so nice, I felt like I was at home while there! Even the merchandisers were awesome! It was my first year attending, but certainly won't be my last.. when do we sign up for next year? ;]

~Tammy Z~

p.s. - will there be more PP3 event shirts available via the website?????
Originally posted by DarkOne
Jason - There's more than enough "Darkness" in Philly to go around.

Hehe, you know it my metal brother! Actually, I thought it was kind of cool. :)

Originally posted by DarkOne
Will you be going to BG & SX at Birch Hill this week?

I'm definitely going to try. Still recovering from my mega soreness and flu I got from an otherwise awesome weekend down at Progpower.
Originally posted by Dark One
I'm definitely going to try. Still recovering from my mega soreness and flu I got from an otherwise awesome weekend down at Progpower.

Jason, you fucking BETTER be going to BG @ the Birch on Thursday! I need to sell those 2 tickets! I mean, dude, it'd be awesome to see you again! :D

As for Linda, I can't believe your nickname here is "rottingflesh" - now there's a misleading name if ever I've read one! LOL.

i definitely wish we would have been able to hang out more...you had so much going on.. :)
no competition, you are definitely one of the coolest people i met...can't wait to hang out again.
I think we both got that title.. :)

I am a huge horror fan and learned to use a name that truly suited me... :)
did i meet you at the show?

Linda, we sort of met, you told me your contacts were bugging you when I offered eyedrops (hallway @ the Granada). Jason's a friend of mine from up here - I'm from northern NJ, so we sometimes see each other at shows in middle Jersey or Brooklyn, NY. Anyway, my hotelmate stormed into the hall and told you he took pictures of...errr...your derriere...LOL.

Sorry, had to laugh at that. Of course I was drunk as a skunk when that all happened, so...but that's cool about being a horror fan and all. Maybe one day you'll make it up here for a show in the New York or Philly area. We have great venues! It was nice (briefly) meeting you, see ya next time!
Yeah, absolutely! I'll be heading down early since I have to deal with nonsense GSPkwy traffic @ rush hour and I don't want to miss a note of SX. I have 4 tickets, and hopefully Jason's going (he & his girlfriend were going to take the other 2 off my hands). If not, I'm going anyway w/ my girlfriend & trying to unload the other 2 tix I have. If you PM me or email me later on, I'll get you my cell # in case it's hard to find each other.
Just adding my thanks and praise for Glenn.

Incredible show! Thank you for bringing some of the finest Metal acts together for two unforgettable evenings.
Oh yes, I remember...I was so tired and left soon after. You guys were very funny. It was great to meet you.
I went to the Troc to see Manowar not too long ago...i just may get back up your way. You could always make that trek here too.. lol

keep in touch...
Glenn made my year. The only way I can say thanks is to continue to attend every year regardless of whether I am fully into every band, buy a shirt (two including my brother) every year, and tell everyone I know who is into metal about the festival. Thanks so much.