Another Band to request for future ProgPowers

Presto Ballet

Thanks for listening. :lol:

I can't get this "The Lost Art of Time Travel" out of my fricking CD player.

Oh, and VenomGA, I can't get this site in my classroom (it's firewalled), so let me know elsewhere..... thanks. :p

Sure thing Buddy!! :lol::headbang:
I disagree. Good band, but better off at a progrock fest, than a progmetal one.
Great stuff. However, Cheiron is right. ProgPower is the wrong place. If you let these guys in, who's next? Fish? Marillion?
Great stuff. However, Cheiron is right. ProgPower is the wrong place. If you let these guys in, who's next? Fish? Marillion?

Well, yeah but (playing devil's advcate here) then we never would have seen Mustasch who are neither Prog nor Power, but Glenn knocked it out of the park with that band. :headbang:

Something tells me D.S.O. are neither Prog nor Power either. But, they will definitely be the curious band in September IMO.