are you dead yet blows?

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HauknessX said:
since this thread sucks im gonna say somthing kinda off topic. does anyone like turisas? they are like awesome folk battle epic metal stuff. if you like bodom youl prob like them but they are more folky and finntrollish.

Elysian893 said:
like i said earlier in this thread, i wouldn't listen to that pile of shit if it were the last piece of music left on earth. and a retard in a comma? thats a small ass retard if he can fit in one of these ,

Very smart. So I made a spelling mistake. You must be feeling real high now, since you didn't directly rebuke any points I made against your absurd, and ludacrous assertion that this album sucks.

You've failed again!

And, next time, before you attack one's use of the English language make sure you use it properly yourself you shit-fucking, cum-consuming, fungus who serves no other purpose but using up oxygen that could be given to more meaningful entitys, like the maggots that have hatched themselves in the rotting cess-pool of old garbage in my uncleaned garage.
Kill yourself!
FearTheMullet said:
Very smart. So I made a spelling mistake. You must be feeling real high now, since you didn't directly rebuke any points I made against your absurd, and ludacrous assertion that this album sucks.

You've failed again!

And, next time, before you attack one's use of the English language make sure you use it properly yourself you shit-fucking, cum-consuming, fungus who serves no other purpose but using up oxygen that could be given to more meaningful entitys, like the maggots that have hatched themselves in the rotting cess-pool of old garbage in my uncleaned garage.
Kill yourself!
failed at what? if you want my opinions on why this album sucks, they are all over this thread. you really do suck at life.
Elysian893 said:
failed at what? if you want my opinions on why this album sucks, they are all over this thread. you really do suck at life.
You know exactly what I mean. You failed at replying in an intelligent manner to anything I said. You're just not on the same level I guess. Sorry dude.
Heavenscent said:
What points did he make again?

Ask your mom, she can tell you of some nights where I made a few good points in her.

Listen, fucktard, when I'm diminishing some else's existence, don't get involved. I don't need to dehumanize more then one person at a time for their blatant stupidity. So go fuck off before I get started on your case too, ass cheese.
And, next time, before you attack one's use of the English language make sure you use it properly yourself you shit-fucking, cum-consuming, fungus who serves no other purpose but using up oxygen that could be given to more meaningful entitys, like the maggots that have hatched themselves in the rotting cess-pool of old garbage in my uncleaned garage.
Kill yourself!

you're right, how can i compete with this showing of intelligence? unpossible!
Elysian893 said:
you're right, how can i compete with this showing of intelligence? unpossible!

Your attempt at sarcasm is laughable. Did you make that one up yourself? I'm shocked. I don't think anyone has ever used "unpossible" in that context before. This is evolution? I rather not belong to the same race as you, you useless twat scab.
Elysian893 said:
simplifying the song structure, using much more boring riffs, solos that sound the same on every song, yeah, you know that is the epitome of dynamics right there. and the epitome of progress. bodom is on the way up

and if you look, i did respond to your comments. but you never responded to mine.
Elysian893 said:
don't lash out at me because AYDY sucks, its not my fault, if i wrote it it wouldn't suck so bad

Oh yeah definately. Thats why you are touring the world right now with your band. And I met you on the weekend, and got your autograph. You are a nobody, who sucks at guitar, and you won't get anywhere with music, so go get a job at McDonalds (you should ask them for a pension plan, you're gonna be a lifer) and stop wasting time on the internet.

Elysian893 said:
Originally Posted by Elysian893
simplifying the song structure, using much more boring riffs, solos that sound the same on every song, yeah, you know that is the epitome of dynamics right there. and the epitome of progress. bodom is on the way up
and if you look, i did respond to your comments. but you never responded to mine.

I did originally. I addressed dynamics, and how re-using and rehashing old cliche neoclassical riffs, and melodies is not progree, but regurgitation. You seem to have missed those many replies in which I totally dismissed this stupid statement.
I was just saying that on the last few pages i looked hardly anyone made a sensible point. And what I've seen from you doesn't count as intelligent debating.

FearTheMullet said:
And consisten music? Ammon Amarth. They're a great band, but god. Enough with the viking power metal bullshit. Its a fucking gimmick, for simple minded people, to keep your fans happy without actually writing any new material. I love that band, but they'refucking HORRIBLE song writers. They have about as much inspiration to put sometihng new out as a retard in a comma has chance to succesfully complete brain surgery on someone.

Okay. One point. Not brilliant, though.
I think saying that all stuff by a band sounds the same is not an argument against their music. If I like that music, I don't give a damn that most of it sounds the same. I mean, I love Slayer. Nuff said.
And I was actually asking a serious question, turdsucking ritards's flapfreak-flavoured asspopper. There was no need to get insulting like that. But hey. Try me.
So Fuck-a-doodle-doo.

Btw, my mom is 49, short, and overweight. So up yours, fagboy.
Heavenscent said:
I was just saying that on the last few pages i looked hardly anyone made a sensible point. And what I've seen from you doesn't count as intelligent debating.

It does. I explained my stance perfectly and made a lot more sense then "Ex-Fanboy Who Cried When AYDY Didn't Sound Like HateCrew". Read it again, sans the insult. If COB had made another lackluster album filled with the same melodies and song structures, it would have been a boring as fuck album. WHY do you think a band like Ammon Amarth opens for a band like Trivium?! Because they've redone the same album SO many times, nobody gives a fuck. They're a great band, but they are shitty songwriters.
Still, you only have one point: that doing the same stuff makes it crap.
But you don't know what it could have been if Alexi had indeed used all his skills on this one. You can be heavy without being chugga-chugga in a repetitive way. Distortion doesn't make metal.
FearTheMullet said:
It does. I explained my stance perfectly and made a lot more sense then "Ex-Fanboy Who Cried When AYDY Didn't Sound Like HateCrew". Read it again, sans the insult. If COB had made another lackluster album filled with the same melodies and song structures, it would have been a boring as fuck album. WHY do you think a band like Ammon Amarth opens for a band like Trivium?! Because they've redone the same album SO many times, nobody gives a fuck. They're a great band, but they are shitty songwriters.
the new album may be a different direction, but its the most lackluster album they have ever released.
They actaully use hardly any disotortion on this album ;) They have a very saturdated sound, but its not distorted and fuzzy. Alot of the chug in the album comes from Alexis pick attacks, not the level of gain he puts on his amp. And the songs arrangement are on the whole a lot more interesting. They're not jsut collections of mindless melodies, they are full songs. With dynamics, theres minute details that get mixxed in as a "whole" and you can only notice these nuances if you take it apart. Instead of being just straight riffs, and melody plus chords, they throw it up. They change the way the riff is played when they go back to it, theres many hidden polyrythms in the songs. Nothing major that you would pick out at first glance, but if you go back and listen again you will hear these often-times subtle differences. Its a very tasteful album, especially when it ocmes to lead guitar. Sometimes its good to sit back, and let there be less going on, so when it does go on, people won't already be burned out by melody after melody after melody, that they don't even care to notice a solo is happening (IE Dragonforce, who are my favorite band anyway, simlpy because Herman Li is retardedly amazing). I think this album has a great balance to it, letting the interplay between EVERYONE in the band happen instead of it jsut being a showcase for Alexi to shred over a couple rehased riffs and old prgoressions torn out of 80's hair metal and infused with keyboards ;) Theres mroe going on between everyone and their respective parts instead of just Alexi.
i'm glad you could find all that in this album, i sure couldn't. and i gave it a very honest listen. it is most definately an album that i could do without, in fact itd be nice if it was never made. tasteful? yeah, if you like metalcore, numetal, and hardcore, i guess it could be construed as tasteful, but if you like true metal, you'd know that it was a pile of festering crap. i hate to say it, but the newest darkest hour album owns this in every way, even the vox, and i hate metalcore vox, but i hate hardcore vox even more.

and touching on the "theres more going on between everyone and their respective parts instead of just alexi", i find it quite the opposite. there is less going on on everyones part, including alexi's... the drums are boring and very underplayed, the bass you can't even tell is there, the keys are very very boring.
True metal? Are you fucking kidding me? True metal is NOTHING that was made by Bodom since their inception. True metal is fucking Slayer, Vader, and Death you tard. Powermetal and Melodic Death metal are the furthest thing form this imaginary ideal of "true metal", if it exists at all.

The singing has remained unchanged throughout all their albums. And listen again. They change the riffs almost everytime they play them on many of the songs. This is called dynamics. Dynamics is NOT playing a melody in the "harmonic scale realy fast, then slow, then fast harmonized in thirds im so good oh my god!" That would be regressing.

If you don't like the album, and can't see what others can in it, thats cool. Just don't waste thread space to complain about it. Nobody cares, At all.
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