are you dead yet blows?

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the singing on this album is less screamy and more hardcore style, if you can't hear that, you need to have your ears checked. it changed on this album, and by a very vast amount. and the same can be said for you, if you like the album, and can't see why others can't like it, maybe you shouldn't waste the thread space either... or do you adhere to double standards?
The Soulforged said:
it is all opinion. fighting over it is stupid. and to flame somone over their opinion is something a 5 yearold does. everybody has the right to state their opinion. but to call someone a cum bubble over it is stupid. if you dont like it good for you dont rip on others for it. and the same for the otherside. i mean getting into an argument over it isnt gonna make it better.

This guy is the only person in this thread who isn't a fucking idiot.

"OMG I H8 AYDY, iTZ TEh sUXxxx0r!!!!!!111"

"NO U SUX0rS!!!!111RUDEDYET ROX!!!!"



Some people will like the new album, some wont. Just because you don't share the same opinion doesn't mean you have to be assholes about it. Learn how to have a decent discussion.
Elysian893 said:
the singing on this album is less screamy and more hardcore style, if you can't hear that, you need to have your ears checked. it changed on this album, and by a very vast amount. and the same can be said for you, if you like the album, and can't see why others can't like it, maybe you shouldn't waste the thread space either... or do you adhere to double standards?

What double standard. Did I start a thread on how the album sucks? No. I just came in and set all you morons straight. And my posts were not wastes. They were intelligent responses unlike most of the 99% of other replies. I stated my beliefs and backed them up with points unlike 99% of the ingrate backwards ape-brains who came in saying "OMG IT SUXORZ" "OMG IT ROXORZ". Just because I disagree with you in an a colorful way doesn't make either of us any less or more right/wrong. But at least I had backed up all my points, unlike most of the tards present.
FearTheMullet said:
What double standard. Did I start a thread on how the album sucks? No. I just came in and set all you morons straight. And my posts were not wastes. They were intelligent responses unlike most of the 99% of other replies. I stated my beliefs and backed them up with points unlike 99% of the ingrate backwards ape-brains who came in saying "OMG IT SUXORZ" "OMG IT ROXORZ". Just because I disagree with you in an a colorful way doesn't make either of us any less or more right/wrong. But at least I had backed up all my points, unlike most of the tards present.

you said, and i quote,

"If you don't like the album, and can't see what others can in it, thats cool. Just don't waste thread space to complain about it. Nobody cares, At all."

you are saying its ok to praise the album, but if you hate it, don't post. fuck you and your double standards. the end.
Elysian893 said:
you said, and i quote,

"If you don't like the album, and can't see what others can in it, thats cool. Just don't waste thread space to complain about it. Nobody cares, At all."

you are saying its ok to praise the album, but if you hate it, don't post. fuck you and your double standards. the end.

Dumb ass. Check again what forum your in.


Thats the standard here.

Fucking idiot. If you want to have an unbiased discussion about an album, go to somewhere other then the bands forums you fucktard. The only thing your gonna find here, is:


Dumbass, this whole time I'm making your life easier by discouraging you form visiting a cesspool of morons, and convincing you to move on to greener pastures.


Put lube on that and stick it in your asshole, whore-bag!
FearTheMullet said:
Dumb ass. Check again what forum your in.


Thats the standard here.

Fucking idiot. If you want to have an unbiased discussion about an album, go to somewhere other then the bands forums you fucktard. The only thing your gonna find here, is:


Dumbass, this whole time I'm making your life easier by discouraging you form visiting a cesspool of morons, and convincing you to move on to greener pastures.


Put lube on that and stick it in your asshole, whore-bag!
i think this post is in the running for most retarded post of the year, anywhere.
Elysian893 said:
i think this post is in the running for most retarded post of the year, anywhere.

I think your in the running for, "I just got stomped by superior intelligence and am too ashamed to admit it". Your a dumbass, get over it. Sometimes mother nature has throw aways. Your one of them. There is no double standard here, theres only one. This is a Children of Bodom forum, so everyones gonna praise them dickwad.
FearTheMullet said:
I think your in the running for, "I just got stomped by superior intelligence and am too ashamed to admit it". Your a dumbass, get over it. Sometimes mother nature has throw aways. Your one of them. There is no double standard here, theres only one. This is a Children of Bodom forum, so everyones gonna praise them dickwad.
you're right, i mean, we're posting on a thread called "are you dead yet blows" of course everyone is going to praise it! i mean, no one on a forum can dislike the new album right? i'd love to meet the superior intelligence behind that crock of bullshit. get fuckin real :Spin:
And you misunderstood completely what I said. Do you want it at a retards level?

Here you go!

Your on a bands froum, your opinions against them are bound to get challenged. Learn to defend them, or don't post them.

Learn to fucking read dipshit.
FearTheMullet said:
And you misunderstood completely what I said. Do you want it at a retards level?

Here you go!

Your on a bands froum, your opinions against them are bound to get challenged. Learn to defend them, or don't post them.

Learn to fucking read dipshit.
i'll defend my opinions as soon as you say something about the new album that is based in reality.
Elysian893 said:
i'll defend my opinions as soon as you say something about the new album that is based in reality.

It is moron. I outlined what they did different, the only thing you've said so far is that it doesnt sound like their old stuff and is therefore no good. Lets not get starte don logic and reality with the person who is smarter then you.
FearTheMullet said:
It is moron. I outlined what they did different, the only thing you've said so far is that it doesnt sound like their old stuff and is therefore no good. Lets not get starte don logic and reality with the person who is smarter then you.
i've said plenty more than that, but as i said a few pages back, reading comprehension isn't your thing. this also isn't the first AYDY thread, although it might be to you, since you are a new fanboy and all. and all of your "points" have not even been remotely close to what the album is like, have you even heard it?

and you could preach you're smarter than me all day long, it still wouldn't make it true. you're the kind of guy who'd bring a dildo to a gun fight.
FearTheMullet said:
They actaully use hardly any disotortion on this album ;) They have a very saturdated sound, but its not distorted and fuzzy. Alot of the chug in the album comes from Alexis pick attacks, not the level of gain he puts on his amp. And the songs arrangement are on the whole a lot more interesting. They're not jsut collections of mindless melodies, they are full songs. With dynamics, theres minute details that get mixxed in as a "whole" and you can only notice these nuances if you take it apart. Instead of being just straight riffs, and melody plus chords, they throw it up. They change the way the riff is played when they go back to it, theres many hidden polyrythms in the songs. Nothing major that you would pick out at first glance, but if you go back and listen again you will hear these often-times subtle differences. Its a very tasteful album, especially when it ocmes to lead guitar. Sometimes its good to sit back, and let there be less going on, so when it does go on, people won't already be burned out by melody after melody after melody, that they don't even care to notice a solo is happening (IE Dragonforce, who are my favorite band anyway, simlpy because Herman Li is retardedly amazing). I think this album has a great balance to it, letting the interplay between EVERYONE in the band happen instead of it jsut being a showcase for Alexi to shred over a couple rehased riffs and old prgoressions torn out of 80's hair metal and infused with keyboards ;) Theres mroe going on between everyone and their respective parts instead of just Alexi.

You pretty much said nothing that was relevant except for the fact that there is less going on in the music which is true. And this album doesn't showcase anyone in particular. Roope has probably one solo on this whole album, Janne gets less play time, Henkka just flat out never stands out and in this type of metal, there's no room for some impressive bass playing, and Jaska's drums are more symplistic than on albums such as hatebreeder....and do you even know what a polyrhythm is because there are none on AYDY. BTW, Elysian and Heavenscent were PWNing you in every way and I think your fan boyism is over the top; just get out!
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