Arsis- We Are The Nightmare

What? This is so much better than the last pile of shit they put out.

Huh, I love United In Regret. It didn't measure up to the first two releases but it's still miles ahead of the bulk of the crap coming out of the melodic death genre.

Saw them open for some other band a while ago. Didn't like it at all... Can't remember who I compared them too, but didn't like them in the least.


They only had two full lengths. A Diamond For Disease was just an EP. Doesn't count :D

I wouldn't even call Arsis melodic death anymore (hey, maybe that's a good thing). For UIR they tried to go for a tech death approach and they failed miserably. Album had like one good song.
They only had two full lengths. A Diamond For Disease was just an EP. Doesn't count :D

I wouldn't even call Arsis melodic death anymore (hey, maybe that's a good thing). For UIR they tried to go for a tech death approach and they failed miserably. Album had like one good song.

I completely disagree about the failing miserably part, but to each their own. :loco:
Nuclear Blast Myspace blog update:

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Category: Music

Calling in from a frozen tundra somewhere in Iowa, ARSIS frontman/guitarist Jim Malone provides this update:

"Everyone's fine. Hard to believe this happened during the day, but the road is solid ice. The trailer flipped, broke loose of the hitch, and is now stuck in a snow bank. Better the trailer and not us. We're waiting to get it towed, since it's unusable. It's lodged in ice and we can't get to our gear, but we're sure it's all smashed. We need to assess the situation and see how much of our gear still works before we can say anything about finishing out the rest of the tour. We can't afford to buy a new trailer at this point. Again, we apologize to our fans. We'll have an update soon."

Adds bassist Noah Martin:
"We're going to try to find a room up the highway in the next small town. Hopefully we won't have to fight off inbred zombie cannibals… like we need that right now. We are all suuuper pissed that this has happened just as we were getting back on this tour. This sucks a lot of dinosaur dick – and that's a LOT of meat!"

Well, said Noah. Seriously, just glad everyone's ok. Hope they get back on the road.