autotune and vocal efx


Sep 30, 2007
Ok guys. Here in my area it is becoming the big thing for people to run mics into a pod then out to a p.a so the singers can control their efx much like guitarists. they even plug the pedals into them to change channels for different stuff for different songs or different parts of songs.

My question.

Lets say one was to run a mic into an adapter into their laptop, process it with some efx like gearbox for example and then run out of the laptop into a direct box then into the p.a

is there any software available that you can do autotune in real time or vocal harmonies in real time that could be used this way? if so how would one go about hooking up a midi pedal to change channels? This is probably simple but to me it sounded kinda like a clustphuck but perhaps done correctly could be kewl and professional.

I'm pretty sure it would be possible since there are a fair number of guitarists with laptop/VST based rigs. I think the Autotune VST plugin does work in real time, but I guess I wouldn't know for sure. Getting harmonies in there might be a bit of a pain. Sorry I'm not being terribly helpful here.
I'd get one of these TC Helicon boxes before going into live laptop land, which is a journey on which you're sure to meet the latency dragon and of course the chasm of crashing software, which will stop a show dead in the water.
Hey Tom, a little off topic here, but is your little quote thing below your name a reference to the lyric in Rational Gaze where Jens says "underlying truths" by chance? I always used to say the same thing when I'd sing along before I figured out what the hell he was saying, haha. Or how about "Blur reality - Jamaican Trail"? Haha. Or maybe you just really like juice and I just made myself look retarded.
Hey Tom, a little off topic here, but is your little quote thing below your name a reference to the lyric in Rational Gaze where Jens says "underlying truths" by chance? I always used to say the same thing when I'd sing along before I figured out what the hell he was saying, haha. Or how about "Blur reality - Jamaican Trail"? Haha. Or maybe you just really like juice and I just made myself look retarded.

Heh, yeah it's the Meshuggah thing. Sorry about the late response, but I don't seem to be getting all of my forum email notifications lately. :confused: