Azazello - MegaDream - Technical oddball prog metal from Russia!

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
These guys are a bit far out man. They play prog metal at it's most avant garde and technical but still with a semblance of melody. The production is very clean but not heavy at all. The vocals are surprisingly good for a Russian dude. The music is very strange indeed. It's very proggy with passages of odd music galore. Like for instance in this song you have a section from 3:40 onwards where you have some very cool and odd sounds from the keys. Becareful though there are some growls but not in a very annoying way though they are a bit pointless IMO. This is prog metal at it's most crazy. If you enjoy a challenge then Azazello is for you! I can't even say who this band sounds like. If you can spot the influence then tell us..

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I really enjoyed that. So that was evidently a demo from an upcoming album. Anyone familiar with the rest of the catalog? The I-times samples from the June release sound like a different vocalist.
Hmm...Last release was Transformation in 2011 from their website.
I checked it out on Spotify.
Not as "quirky" so to speak, but good...... sung in Russian.
Their others are on there too....might also be another band with the same name.
Pulled this down from eMusic last night and the verdict is gloriously, awesomely weird. :) Hard to describe really, its so all over the place but in all the right ways. They don't forget the melodicism like some 'weird' bands. Plus the singer is much better than your typical Russian vocalist, granted that's not a very high bar to clear and he's certainly no Tommy Karevik but he's better than, say, the guy from Mechanical Poet imho.

I mean, on what other metal album can you get a track of a baby gurgling over mellow music?