Band #3 confirmed

VenomGA said:
**Press Release**
US Metal act Virgin Steele has decided to change their name to Rirgin Steele in keeping with the theme of bands beginning with the letter "R". The band will revert back to it's more familiar name in the latter part of 2007.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :headbang:
Harvester said:
I got that press release from the Rooby Doo PR firm as well.
cool they told me a copy was sent to you earlier for your approval:kickass:
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a big big cheesy smile on my face right now. :D :D :D
Great news!!!! It would be great to have them atleast a spot higher, but should be great......not a big REDEMPTION fan, but like i said.....ill take it :headbang: :headbang: Now if we can get GREEN CARNATION a 1 or 2 spot for sat. that would blow my mind.......:headbang:
DarkOne said:
I find that pretty surprising. Knowing a little of your tastes, I'd think you'd find them right up your alley.

Check out a few of the songs I suggested in this (and the other Virgin Steele thread), like Burning of Rome. You can probably still get them on cassette :heh:

Steve in Philly

I can't stand much of DeFeis vocals, so musically they may match but the vocals tone me down.

In anycase hope to see you again next year ;)
Okay Glen, I know I have been a thorn in your side for a few years now what with all my belly acking and what are off to a good start this year my man. Keep up the good work! 2007 looks like it will be my First PP ever. I have always wanted to go but could never financialy do it. 2007 looks to be a 180 for me financialy and I am going to do PP right!

Anyone wanna help me ring in my first PP! ( that's not a Euphemism )
Well, I said earlier in the topic that I hadn't really listened to VS too much. As a result of this announcement, I decided to check out one of their albums. I listened to about half of The House of Atreus: Act I, and needless to say, I am stoked. Bring on the metal!:headbang:
VenomGA said:
**Press Release**
US Metal act Virgin Steele has decided to change their name to Rirgin Steele in keeping with the theme of bands beginning with the letter "R". The band will revert back to it's more familiar name in the latter part of 2007.

You left out the part of the article where it says that they have also added "of fire" to the end of their name for copyright reasons. The band playing the festival will be known as "Rirgin Steele OF FIRE!!!:heh: :kickass: "