Band #7 Confirmed

What would you recommend getting for non-Threshold fans? I have Critical Mass and Subsurface. WHile Critical Mass has some very good songs including the first one, I found Subsurface to be very mellow and it does not hold my interest for very long.

To be honest, I suck the suck out of suck when it comes to recommendations. That's why I had to settle for Urban... I never could get any of my exes into Marillion. ;)

Anyway, I would say I like Hypothetical best, but I don't have and am not even sure I've heard the first couple. But I like Critical Mass a lot, so if that doesn't do it for you, Hypothetical might not either, but it sounds like it'd be worth a shot.

Don't get the DVD... major dissapointment. I know Mac was having vocal problems but the dubbed singing defeats the purpose of a "live" dvd.

I guess it's all in what you like. I have their Critical Mass DVD, and it also has PPIII performance. As most on the forum have said, it's pretty F'ing good.:lol: :headbang: :kickass:
I'd love to be hearing that live, but it's a pretty long song for their alloted set time. Also hoping for The Will To Give from Psychedelicatessen....I'm in love with the bass line on that song and it also reminds me of someone very special.

Awww, that was're special to me too.:D
The Ravages of Time is my fave off Hypothetical (my fave from their catalogue) and I remember hoping they would play it at PP3. And they did! Definitely hope they play that one again. They really do outdo themselves live vs. their studios. For those who haven't seen them you'll be pleasantly surprised!