Bands that grow on you Every Release

I'm not sure if any band out there truly qualifies for this list, but if I had to pick one, I'd choose Primal Fear, as their last 2 CDs kick butt!:worship:rock::kickass:
I use to not be a fan of andromeda and I started liking them with their newest release and I see them getting better and better.

Not a prog/power band, but I love Ill Nino and they have gotten better and better with every release, their last cd was amazing.

Between the Buried and Me keep on impressing me more and more with every release.

Killswitch Engage keep on getting better and better.

I think Nevermore keeps on getting better and better. This Godless Endeavor blew me away and they have never put out a bad cd.

I second Pagan's Mind with everybody else.

With every new Pain of Salvation release I respect them more and more because they are one of few bands that never put out a cd that sounds like their previous ones.

Everything Devin Townsend has done solo and with Strapping has gotten better with every release.

Katatonia also gets better with every cd.

Arch Enemy always puts out a better release.

Opeth always gets better IMO. I can't wait to hear the new disc.

Vintersorg always impresses me with every new release. I don't think their is anybody else out there that puts discs out like his that just sends chills up my spine with every song.

I am also a Slipknot fan, and they have gotten better and better through their 3 releases and i can't wait to hear what they do on their 4th.
As of late Turisas. Battle Metal was a pretty good album but The Varangian Way really had me hooked.

Another would be Dragonland. I like all their previous releases but Astronomy is just an amazing album through and through.

Haggard is another I feel improves with every album. I can't wait for the new release. I'm a little worried because apparently it was done and planned for a July 2007 release but Asis didn't like it and started over, delaying it until sometime in 2008. On the otherhand, it seems he is a bit of a perfectionist so I guess if it wasn't up to par, that only means the final album should be amazing. This band in general seems to get overlooked by many.
Redemption - When Ray jumped on board full time...their stock shot to the top. The Origins of Ruin proved the 2nd release was no fluke.

Andromeda - They keep getting better...why it has taken this long for them to get a PP slot l couldn't guess.

Poverty's No Crime - If you don't know should...classic progressive rock/metal.

Iced Earth - Last 2 releases have leap frogged Jon & Co. to my #1 power metal band...Ripper gets it done.

Vanden Plas - Christ 0 was just a great concept release.

Seventh Wonder - Only 2 releases but they are heads above other bands with the same amount.

Spheric Universe Experience - See above.
Redemption - When Ray jumped on board full time...their stock shot to the top. The Origins of Ruin proved the 2nd release was no fluke.

Andromeda - They keep getting better...why it has taken this long for them to get a PP slot l couldn't guess.

Poverty's No Crime - If you don't know should...classic progressive rock/metal.

Iced Earth - Last 2 releases have leap frogged Jon & Co. to my #1 power metal band...Ripper gets it done.

Vanden Plas - Christ 0 was just a great concept release.

Seventh Wonder - Only 2 releases but they are heads above other bands with the same amount.

Spheric Universe Experience - See above.

Yeah, Seventh Wonder deserves a lot more exposure, excellent
Wow, great thread. There are so many bands that have grown on me in the last few years, especially pertaining to an album-to-album growth.

Nocturnal Rites: Definitely one of the forerunners in that respect. I have loved these guys since Tales of Mystery came out around 1998, and with every album there is just amazing growth. One thing I love about these guys is that not one album sounds like the previous, they always forge ahead, yet still stay unique and have their own sound. You have to respect a band like that.

Firewind: While these guys have gone through some shaky lineups, they have always managed, for the most part, to deliver quality US styled power metal. I thought Allegiance was easily one of the best albums of last year, despite what a lot of critics have said about it. Each predecessor album suceeded the one previous, IMO. Yet, their entire catalog to me as a whole is just great, with not one bad album. I do hope Apollo does stick with the band this time around, and they finally have a permanent vocalist.

Vision Divine: Here's another great example of a band that has grown with me. I mean really, look at the progression from their S/T album back in 1999, to what they're putting out now. This band for me has become the new Labyrinth, and I follow these guys with every release. Adding Michele Luppi has just further extended my love for this awesome Italian power metal band. Stream of Consciousness, Perfect Machine, and their newest, 25th Hour are just some of the finest examples of progression in the power metal world.

Pagan's Mind: I think mostly everyone has touched on this band in the previous posts, LOL..but yes this band just keeps getting better. I just ordered God's Equation earlier tonight, and I can't wait to hear how this one sounds.

Threshold: While I don't have this band's entire catalog, what I do have from Critical Mass - Dead Reckoning shows a LOT of growth. I just love how this band gets more technical, yet more accessible with every album. This band is truly destined to be the best prog-metal band in the world, and i'm behind them 100%. As it stands, Dead Reckoning is definitely on my yearly list for one of the top albums this year.

Nightwish - Beautiful example of growth here. I didn't like Angels Fall First much when the buzz started with this band back in 1997, then I checked out Oceanborn about a year later..the rest is history. With every release after Oceanborn, I was completely hooked. I thought my worst fears may have come true when Tarja left this band, but like a lot of people I imagine, we were wrong. I think I love Nightwish more than ever these days. Actually i'll even go on to say that Dark Passion Play is the album of the year for 2007 for me.
This one just hit me: Immolation. Each release seems to get more powerful and creative to me. Even on the new album some riffs seems primitive, but the contrast with the technical riffs surrounding it give it a powerful emotive punch.
Odd how you can hear an album and it do nothing for you and then a few months or so later try it again and it just clicks. This happened for me with Circus Maximus' 1st Chapter. Sounding way to meandering and unfocused to me the first time around and now I find I'm really digging it. Might not totally meant the spirit of this thread though as I'm not as much into Isolate but hey it may grow on me as well.
Seventh Wonder - Only 2 releases but they are heads above other bands with the same amount.

I love this band! And this is based on only one album as I thought this was all they had. I have waiting in the wings. I will look for the other right away!
Listen to the 8th Sin.
That will quickly take Nocturnal Rites off that list!

Sorry but I don't agree. At least for me, the 8th sin is a great album. Although others hate the more melodic approach on this album, I like it. I don't want a whole album of ballads but I like what they have done.