Bands you are shocked are not appearing next year...

Let me ask you this... how expected was the reaction you received to date and how concerned are you?


I would say that I was slightly surprised by the "unknown" complaints from people here on this forum on certain bands, but not across the roster as whole. The average Iron Savior fan will not have heard of Andromeda and vice versa. However, both are quality names in each genre.

As for concern, I think I could have come close to selling out based on this roster alone over time. I do not think it would have been a fast sell-out by any means. However, I have the headliners still to go and that will turn the tide and change the perception of the event to the "average" attendee (or so I hope).
I actually ended up being familiar with more of this lineup than those of the past two years. I had at least heard of all 10 bands announced, and was familiar with the music of 8 of them. If this is an exclusive US appearance for Riverside, they are going to be a *huge* draw for some prog rock fans who otherwise wouldn't even consider attending the festival.
In my opinion, i think this is a very strong roster. I am familiar with all the bands on this roster, and believe that PPUSA IX maybe be only chance of seeing some of these bands up close and personal. With that said, I believe that the"unknown" factor will play heavilly on the show selling out rather quickly. I think the VOLBEAT, SUE, PATHOSRAY, RIVERSIDE, ELVENKING, ANDROMEDA element will cause a multitude of so called fence sitters to belly up to the bar and attend this year. I know i will be there, primarily for VOLBEAT and PATHOSRAY. This is just my humble opinion, SEE YA IN SEPT!!!!!!
. If this is an exclusive US appearance for Riverside, they are going to be a *huge* draw for some prog rock fans who otherwise wouldn't even consider attending the festival.

At the moment, it is indeed an exclusive appearance. However, I have given the band until January to decide otherwise before I promote it as such.
As for concern, I think I could have come close to selling out based on this roster alone over time. I do not think it would have been a fast sell-out by any means. However, I have the headliners still to go and that will turn the tide and change the perception of the event to the "average" attendee (or so I hope).

I'll put it this way: I was less excited about last year's roster than I am about this year's roster....and the headliner's haven't even been announced yet.

Last year was a 2-band show for me (and I missed it, anyway, due to a wedding): Vanden Plas & Redemption. I was also somewhat interested in seeing Freak Kitchen, Threshold, and Pagan's Mind, too....good bands, just not favorites. I'd seen ALL of them before, and while repeats are fine by me, the opportunity to see Andromeda, Riverside, and Spheric Universe Experience -- all for the first time -- trumps two repeats. Oh, and Pathosray sounds appealing (based on comments I've read), and Serenity might be, too (again, based on comments).

In short, the lineup's already a winner IMHO.

Glenn, here's what should concern you most IMO: The fact that this board wet it's collective pants over your announcement when in the past you've had MUCH bigger names that have received the "who?" from the members here. Hell even Gamma Ray got some "Who?" responses. To me, that indicates that the Prog heavy members of this board who are unfamiliar with more mainstream acts are your excited group and the "mainstreamers" are the ones who you are testing. I don't like that gamble if I'm dropping the time and money (but I'm not and it's your call after all). Of my collection of cds, I have exactly 2 acts from your roster and that has never EVER happened (even when I disliked your lineup in the past). I'll try anything but this stuff just isn't coming up on the radar of many typical fans despite what numbers you're coming up with in terms of hits and sales. They're not in your Rock Hards or your BWBKs or your Burrrn! magazines with any regularity. They're opening, if in fact they're playing live at all, in Europe. They're not ranking up in the upper echelons of the European festivals (except maybe Iron Savior and possibly Elvenking) so I'm not sure I see that adding up to a big "pop" over here. I could be wrong, I guess.
Once I announce the headliners and at least sell 95% of my tickets, will you finally admit that I know what I'm doing & stop second guessing me every other year? Or am I going to have to book those fucking Maids of yours that nobody ever talks about to quieten you down? :heh: (that was a joke btw)
If my guess is right and we end up with Iced Earth and Symphony X, you'll have two bands at the top of the roster who each could draw 2,000 in NYC.Zod

Zod... Is SX a guess, a hopeful, or both for you? Reason I ask is because for a host of different reasons I could see them doing basically the same type of set Sonata did this year. If they played virtually the same headliner set list they did in the U.S. this year plus the same obligatory fillers they've always done the past few tours, would you be satisfied with them as a headliner? Personally, I would be quite disappointed.

Also... I don't know if it's SX's inability to understand the concept of the "special show" or simply no desire to play one, but my confidence in them as a PP headliner is currently minimal.
You know, being a dick about it isn't the way to get them to the PP stage. If you want to see them so bad, why don't you book them locally? I assume you're throwing sponsorship bids at Glenn for them every year, but did you ever consider maybe THEY don't want to come HERE? Maybe unlikely. I'd hope .. if they do show up some festival.. that they don't "bomb" like Pink Cream 69 did*.

*this is my own opinion. I didn't think PC69 fit into the fest.

Well...that's truly your own fucking individual opinion...

Personally, I don't exactly feel the love for Elvenking, but I'm not going to be a dick about it, either...hope THEY don't BOMB...would truly be a shame...
Glenn, here's what should concern you most IMO: The fact that this board wet it's collective pants over your announcement when in the past you've had MUCH bigger names that have received the "who?" from the members here. Hell even Gamma Ray got some "Who?" responses. To me, that indicates that the Prog heavy members of this board who are unfamiliar with more mainstream acts are your excited group and the "mainstreamers" are the ones who you are testing. I don't like that gamble if I'm dropping the time and money (but I'm not and it's your call after all). Of my collection of cds, I have exactly 2 acts from your roster and that has never EVER happened (even when I disliked your lineup in the past). I'll try anything but this stuff just isn't coming up on the radar of many typical fans despite what numbers you're coming up with in terms of hits and sales. They're not in your Rock Hards or your BWBKs or your Burrrn! magazines with any regularity. They're opening, if in fact they're playing live at all, in Europe. They're not ranking up in the upper echelons of the European festivals (except maybe Iron Savior and possibly Elvenking) so I'm not sure I see that adding up to a big "pop" over here. I could be wrong, I guess.

#1 - Whoever said "Gamma Ray who?"...WTF?

#2 - How big is your collection?



I have edited two of your posts and deleted one all together. Last warning.

Glenn H.
Bands I'm hoping to see at some point but keep being overlooked are:
Nocturnal Rites
Mob Rules
Dream Evil
Freedom Call
And even though it will never happen but I can dream someone big from Japan like
Galneryus an attempt to stay on topic...

Darkwater -- thought maybe the (very cool) Evergrey vibe would shoe them in...

Dark Empire -- Indy act, trying to make good, on the cusp of something special

Ride The Sky -- maybe a big much of an unknown gamble

Superior -- thought there might be a new album coming out...guess not.

Anubis Gate -- even though there's not much forum buzz on these guys, figured they were on Glenn's radar.

Pantommind -- a previous Sensory hot-topic...have they come-and-gone already?

Poverty's No Crime -- there's probably only 12 of us in North America that are interested in this band...shame...

I could throw in votes for Brainstorm (where are they?), Urban Breed (what's he doing?), Tad Morose (where are they?)...kinda thought there would be some weird surprises thrown into the PPUSA9 roster...

...and there usual, just not what we were expecting...which always keeps it interesting!

Rock on!
Or am I going to have to book those fucking Maids of yours that nobody ever talks about to quieten you down? :heh: (that was a joke btw)

YES! That's EXACTLY what you're going to have to do! :p

Hey, look, I already said at the onset of this announcement that you've built this into a monster and as such you'll move tickets. You're reaping your rewards. I am, however, encouraging you at this point to stop this nonsense of "fanbase" and "higher risk" and book the bands that are international big draws (ala Pretty Maids, Tiamat, Gotthard, etc) to balance out the new acts out there. Like I said, I can be down with any of the acts this year just not all at once at the price point. You're the man, no doubt. Just book Pretty Maids and let me prove my point after these past 6 years. :)
#1 - Whoever said "Gamma Ray who?"...WTF?

#2 - How big is your collection? [quote}

I don't have the names written down but there were indeed folks popping up around here unaware of Gamma Ray's material. Not a lot, but the fact that there were any was rather shocking at the time. Same with Therion.

As far as cds, I have 4000+ originals and about another 1000+ downloaded. Now, that's not a "my penis" statement, I'm just saying that over that range of cds, I'd expect to go to my stash and uncover SOMETHING from the announced 10 (besides Iron Savior and Elvenking). Not having any other acts seems akin to being struck by lightning. Twice in the same day.
#1 - Whoever said "Gamma Ray who?"...WTF?

#2 - How big is your collection? [quote}

I don't have the names written down but there were indeed folks popping up around here unaware of Gamma Ray's material. Not a lot, but the fact that there were any was rather shocking at the time. Same with Therion.

As far as cds, I have 4000+ originals and about another 1000+ downloaded. Now, that's not a "my penis" statement, I'm just saying that over that range of cds, I'd expect to go to my stash and uncover SOMETHING from the announced 10 (besides Iron Savior and Elvenking). Not having any other acts seems akin to being struck by lightning. Twice in the same day.

Nice response...I'll throw myself in with the clueless Therion crowd (but that's another story)...

I can relate...just about the time that I think I can relate to just about everything in metal...I realize I'm missing the boat on some's a killer, huh?

Rock on!
I don't think anyone has said SIEGES EVEN. I really feel they are due to make an appearance.

Yes, could be too proggy for some, but this is a band with two members that have played in two of the bigger power metal bands. So perhaps that fact would create interest with the power folks.
Morgana Lefay - and I'm not even just talking this year, I'm talking in general I'm surprised they haven't played ProgPower at all.

I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that the reason Morgana Lefay has not played PP yet is because they've headlined Chicago PowerFest twice. This is not by any means a slam on Glenn, but we know that Glenn enjoys getting bands that are making their American debut and ML no longer fits that criteria.

Being that I live in Minnesota, I was fortunate enough to see Morgana Lefay twice, back to back years at Chicago PowerFest. That being said, I would go apeshit if Glenn booked them for PP. They put on an absolutely amazing performance both years and would be a huge asset to PP.