Barfest... night 1...


Feb 11, 2002
Murrieta, CA
Wanted to post a recap of the first night of Barfest... it was a very very good show from all the bands. It was fun being kinda behind the scenes and helping out.... getting to meet the bands and watch the whole soundcheck process. I'll be honest, I was worried about the turnout for this after Angra pulled out, but was pleasantly surprised at the crowd. Met a lot of people that came from out of town to see the show. Kudos to them for supporting the first venture of this festival. :worship:

The Venue, while it had nowhere near the comforts of Earthlink was adequate for the show... lack of seating though kinda hurt... so did the 21+ only. My guess was there was around 200-250 people there, place supposedly holds 500 and I think that would be PACKED with 500. Stage is about 4' off the ground and *just* big enough for the bands. Some of the bands looked quite cramped on stage because of some of the Spocks's beard gear was up there all night, but especially looking cramped was Spock's with the massive amount of gear they had. Venue has very high ceilings so it didn't feel like a small and dingy club, sound was excellent all night.

Timeline lead off the show at around 6, local prog rock/metal band with "eboles" from the forum on vocals. They played a very good set, though the crowd at this point was very small.

Mob Rules came on next and played for about 45 mins. or so. The crowd picked up by the time they went on, and in my opinion they were outstanding. Sounded AWESOME, and had the energy and crowd 'enjoyment' of Brainstorm at PPV. Glenn, if you've ever considered them for PP, but wasn't sure of how they'd go over, or what they are like on stage... trust me, you wouldn't be disappointed. I talked to a lot of people that didn't really know the band, but was immensely impressed with them live. Great set, and really really cool guys.

Balance of Power played next and did quite a range of stuff. The keyboardist told me they were playing 2 songs from each album except the first. I don't remember the set exactly but they played Shelter Me, Daybreaker, 10 More Tales, Heathen Machine, Chemical Imbalance, Blind Man, a new song called "Pariah" which was awesome. No "Prisoner Of Pride" :cry:, they did play a couple more but I don't remember which ones they were. Corey Brown did a great job for them, and I was very impressed with him vocally, onstage, and in person. Great guy, and truly appreciative of the work the crew did, and the fans.

Enchant played next and was crazy tight. This is one helluva talented band. I love watching their bassist play... madman. I'm unfortunately not familiar with them at all, but I will be listening to them more after seeing them twice in 2 months. Very impressive.

Spock's Beard was last and while technically great, musically their songs bored me stiff. The crowd thinned out quite a bit for them also. Select audience I guess. I stayed for maybe half the set then left. DC Cooper was going to get up on stage with them to sing a song, but I think he said it was going to be like their last song and I don't know what he was singing with them either... I just couldn't hold out that long. It was a long day.

Tonight is Odin's Court, Eyefear, ZH, Crimson Glory, and Jon Oliva's Pain. Should be an awesome night. :headbang:
FUCK! it sounds like I missed out. I am pissed I missed Powerfest and BARfest and I am pissed I didnt go to either of these to save money and I am still broke!
Mob Rules is one of those bands i have always wanted to see. They constantly put out quality albums and their dvd is great.

It would also be cool to see BoP once again with Corey on vocals. Not sure if that will ever happen though considering Lance's affiliation with PP. Not sure how that relationship is.

As for the second night of this great show, I would have killed to see Eyefear!!! Great band from down under; I personally love many of those Australian bands especially Vanishing Point.

Just very sad that only 250 people showed up for so many great bands. A turnout like that doesn't really give the promoter much incentive to continue does it?
Timeline lead off the show at around 6, local prog rock/metal band with "eboles" from the forum on vocals. They played a very good set, though the crowd at this point was very small.

Thanks for the kudos. We enjoyed the response even though the crowd was still coming in at that point. Hope to see you all again. Tonight should be a great sequel.

Just very sad that only 250 people showed up for so many great bands. A turnout like that doesn't really give the promoter much incentive to continue does it?

Not wanting to appear as though naysaying this event before it happened I haven't commented on it until now. A couple of things struck me as problematic from the start. A 21+ age limit probably wouldn't affect out of towners who would travel too much, but probably hamstrung the local turnout a bit.
More importantly I don't think there was a lot of cross appeal, as it was almost exclusively Prog oriented. Angra dropping out didn't help and Mob Rules wasn't enough by themselves to make potential travelers go.

I know the majority of this board favor Prog over Power, and people like AngraRULES love to pull out the Freedom Call stick and wack us Power fans squarely on the head with it. Nevertheless, it has always been the big Power headliners that generate a lot of interest in ProgPower, and BARFest just didn't have that.
A couple of things struck me as problematic from the start. A 21+ age limit probably wouldn't affect out of towners who would travel too much, but probably hamstrung the local turnout a bit.

Nope, I know literally ten out-of-towners under 21 who were willing to make the trip. This sounds like it was a real cool time, a shame I couldn't go. :(
Not wanting to appear as though naysaying this event before it happened I haven't commented on it until now. A couple of things struck me as problematic from the start. A 21+ age limit probably wouldn't affect out of towners who would travel too much, but probably hamstrung the local turnout a bit.
More importantly I don't think there was a lot of cross appeal, as it was almost exclusively Prog oriented. Angra dropping out didn't help and Mob Rules wasn't enough by themselves to make potential travelers go.

I know the majority of this board favor Prog over Power, and people like AngraRULES love to pull out the Freedom Call stick and wack us Power fans squarely on the head with it. Nevertheless, it has always been the big Power headliners that generate a lot of interest in ProgPower, and BARFest just didn't have that.

ANd, who in their right frame of mind put Spock's Beard on the bill? They just did "Evening's with" shows. Who was going to go X-Country to see Spock's Beard for 100 mins when they were doing 3-hour shows elsewhere?
ANd, who in their right frame of mind put Spock's Beard on the bill? They just did "Evening's with" shows. Who was going to go X-Country to see Spock's Beard for 100 mins when they were doing 3-hour shows elsewhere?

I don't know enough about Spock's Beard to say, but to look at it I thought the lineup was exceptional. The quality of the bands seemed to be excellent, but it was too one dimensional.
I don't know enough about Spock's Beard to say, but to look at it I thought the lineup was exceptional. The quality of the bands seemed to be excellent, but it was too one dimensional.

I am not blasting their inclusion, per se. The problem is who was going to go cross-country to see them after they did shows where they were the ONLY act? And, do not give me the "They scheduled them after the announcement" line. Spock's Beard was signed sealed and delivered for April 27th at BB Kings in NYC in JUNE! They did several stops along the way. So, someone dropped the ball on that one.

My other beef is that they tried to be ProgPower Lite. It is one thing to say you might do something and then going back to what you might have known already. Where was Legion of Hetheria (MEX)? Where was Lord (AUS)? Where was Seraphim (TWN)? There was your balence in these three acts. I guarantee you they would have filled that place had these three been in it rather than going the Euro-as-usual route. It would have allowed this festival to stand out in a glut of them. That, in the end, is what really hurt BAR Fest.
Quick recap of last night...

Odin's Court led off the night to a small crowd again, but they played an excellent set for those there. Very energetic and had a good time on stage. Kudos to them for coming all the way across the country to play, and to Dave for booking them. It was great to finally see Rick's band play.

Eyefear came on after them and by this time the crowd was building. They performed well, and were tight. I think they need to add some background vocals to their stuff and could use another guitar player to fill the void during solos. The bass and keys just didn't seem to fill things enough during the solos in a live setting. The singers hair is just as insane as everyone said it was. Seriously only about 5" from the ground. Even considering he's really short, it was still amazing.

Zero Hour hit the stage next and tore it up. Chris was still a little under the weather, and didn't attempt a lot of the high vocals towards the end of the set. The Tipton bros were quite active on stage this time, especially Troy. Very fun to watch them again, and hang with them. And congrats to Jasun for getting married on Thursday in Vegas.

Crimson Glory came on next and just absolutely annihilated the place. They were really really good... and this coming from someone who's never quite understood the appeal of the band. They do have a few songs I like, but overall I've never really cared for them. Amazing, POWERFUL live sound. With a drummer, and then I guess one of the guys that played drums with them at one point (I don't know their whole history here so forgive me for the lack of details) was also up onstage with this like mini drum kit... no bass drum, just a snare and 3 toms, with some cymbals. He stood up through the whole set and just pounded along with the regular drummer in perfect time and contributed some vocals to the mix that were a haunting addition to the mix. It was really fun to watch him. The 2 guitarists tore it up also, and props to the sound guy for an incredible mix. Someone else will have to comment on the setlist as I don't really know what they played.

Jon Oliva finished off the night with a very energetic and emotional set. Again, not a big savatage fan so I don't know the stuff well, but I know they played 3-4 songs from the new Pain cd... also played the Streets medley (not really a medley, it was a good 6-7 full songs), Gutter Ballet, Hall Of The Mountain King with Ronny Monroe from Metal Church helping out on vocals, and quite a few other tracks that I can't remember off the top of my head. Jon was having a great time up there and was also very emotional about a lot of the songs in regards to Chris. It was very moving. The guitarist he has, Matt LePort, was amazing. Such amazing feeling from him, and incredible tone. I truly enjoyed watching him play guitar. The rest of the band was equally good and energetic. Great way to finish off the night.

I'd have to say overall the 2nd night was the better night, though Mob Rules, Balance Of Power, and Enchant were all great from night 1.

To comment on what "hurt" this festival... I think Spock's Beard was out of place in this crowd... 21+ hurt... No Angra hurt... and the location. Parking was a nightmare at this place. I really hope dave continues on with this, and gets more support from local metal fans. There seemed to be a lot of people from out of town, and not enough local fans. A change of venue would be good imo, the Independent was a great place in itself... but being in a location that is basically a business street in a residential area, there was NO parking anywhere except city streets.

Thanks to everyone that put it on, and everyone that was involved. It was a great time.
Quick recap of last night...

Jon Oliva finished off the night with a very energetic and emotional set. Again, not a big savatage fan so I don't know the stuff well, but I know they played 3-4 songs from the new Pain cd... also played the Streets medley (not really a medley, it was a good 6-7 full songs), Gutter Ballet, Hall Of The Mountain King with Ronny Monroe from Metal Church helping out on vocals, and quite a few other tracks that I can't remember off the top of my head. Jon was having a great time up there and was also very emotional about a lot of the songs in regards to Chris. It was very moving.

I would kill someone to see this. I would've gone if only I wasn't 12 :(
There are so many people to thank!

Of course, David for putting himself on the line and assuming the risk to put together a killer show - GREAT JOB! You are such a nice guy, and a hard/smart worker! It was great to meet you in person, and I look forward to seeing you out on the east coast. You have my number - let me know when you're in town!

And the guys in Zero Hour - we're all family, and they are the coolest katz around. Such nice guys, and their talent makes me want to give up music every time I see them; I just can't keep up. You rock for getting us in touch with Dave and helping us get to the west coast, and even more so for your generous and giving manner! Can't wait to see you again!

Enchant totally ROCKED. It was cool to meet several of you guys in person - hopefully we can do shows together sometime (an Enchant, Zero Hour, OC package would be killer).

Bear and all the rest of the staff - very professional. Given the tight schedule and stressful equipment situation, we had a lot of support and friendly help.

Of course: DREW! He's the man driving everyone around! 3 hours sleep over 48 hours? CRAZY!

And extra special thanks to all the fans and our friends who came from all over the country. There was a mix up with the ticket time, so we went on earlier than expected and many people missed us. :( But those who were there were very loud and into it, and it made us feel honored to play for everyone.

To everyone I forgot - thanks to you too!

Where was Legion of Hetheria (MEX)? Where was Lord (AUS)? Where was Seraphim (TWN)?
Who? Who? Who? There were already 2 lesser known bands on the bill: Odin's Court and Timeline. And bands few people know won't pack a place. Bands like Crimson Glory, Jon Oliva, and Spock's Beard are for that. In other words, headliners.

I thought there was a good balance of prog/power, metal/rock, up and coming/new established/classic, etc.

Doing something like this is a MAJOR undertaking. I've done regional/local shows with mutiple bands, and it is a lot of work. The larger the scope the more to learn. Remember, Glenn didn't get Prog Power rolling to a profit until after a couple of tries and lessons learned. BAR Fest had a great start, and hopefully David learned a lot and will apply it to the future. :)
Odin's Court led off the night to a small crowd again, but they played an excellent set for those there. Very energetic and had a good time on stage. Kudos to them for coming all the way across the country to play, and to Dave for booking them. It was great to finally see Rick's band play.
Yes, the crowd was lighter due to the ticket time mix up. That was quite disappointing to say the least. However, the 100 or so folks who were there at the time were very vocal and it was a blast! Thanks for the kind words! You ROCK!
I am not blasting their inclusion, per se. The problem is who was going to go cross-country to see them after they did shows where they were the ONLY act? And, do not give me the "They scheduled them after the announcement" line. Spock's Beard was signed sealed and delivered for April 27th at BB Kings in NYC in JUNE! They did several stops along the way. So, someone dropped the ball on that one.

My other beef is that they tried to be ProgPower Lite. It is one thing to say you might do something and then going back to what you might have known already. Where was Legion of Hetheria (MEX)? Where was Lord (AUS)? Where was Seraphim (TWN)? There was your balence in these three acts. I guarantee you they would have filled that place had these three been in it rather than going the Euro-as-usual route. It would have allowed this festival to stand out in a glut of them. That, in the end, is what really hurt BAR Fest.

You have no idea what it is you speak on, period. Those bands you mentioned, I have never even hear of and I doubt that they are better than Eyefear or MoB Rules which both bands kicked loads of ass!!!!!!!!!

We were not trying to be Prog power lite and the way it turned out I think its was just as heavy as a few Prog Powers, but this is not a competition but just another fest that is in the same musical vein....