Been listening to High On Fire and Mastodon...


Son of The Bitch
Jun 27, 2004
Detroit, MI
I'm digging "Leviathan." I already found it to be OK, but as it turns out, this is a modern Metal album that I love. Very well done, this is something unique but entirely coherent and consistent at the same time (ain't that something?).

High On Fire's Blessed Black Wings may not be as modern as "Leviathan," but can still be considered modern Metal. A good fresh excersise of Doom/Stoner Metal, I'm enjoying it greatly.

and...that's all.
The Grimace said:

Relapse will get you. Resistance is futile.

Check out Today Is The Day (their older stuff features the drummer & guitarist of Mastodon), Soilent Green for more blues-grind, and then GET SOME CONVERGE!

Oh trust me, I hate almost everything on Relapse. Completely overhyped label.

I've heard loads of Today is the Day, I can only really listen to them when I'm stoned. :p Listened to Soilent Green a looooong time ago. I don't care for Converge, I don't listen to what they play.

Eh, fuck recommendations. Listen to Bywar.
The Grimace said:
Every band on Relapse is amazing. Every single one.

You don't listen to fast, heavy guitar music? Mr. "...for an open minded person like me" ? Well, to that I say BAH! BAH! And TRIPLE BAH!

haha I never though JP would dig two of my favorite bands.... soon youll be all about ISIS.... right... :) I still havent picked up blessed black wings cause im a broke fucker but I will soon....and i was ognna see them last weekend but it was 21 and over which SUCKS... they played with the fucking champs too :( Leviathan is a great great album.. i wouldnt say remission is better, its pretty different.
Jean-Pierre said:
I'm digging "Leviathan." I already found it to be OK, but as it turns out, this is a modern Metal album that I love. Very well done, this is something unique but entirely coherent and consistent at the same time (ain't that something?).

High On Fire's Blessed Black Wings may not be as modern as "Leviathan," but can still be considered modern Metal. A good fresh excersise of Doom/Stoner Metal, I'm enjoying it greatly.

and...that's all.

So fucking awesome. Today is a good day.

And Bywar fucking rule.
Well they manage to encompass almost everything that is good about modern extreme metal (intensity, energy, technicality, etc) whilst writing supremely memorable (and ass-kicking) songs that not only sound like pretty much nothing else out there, but have an old fashioned (I'm trying to avoid saying 'classic') metal edge that seems to connect with many different types of music fans. Remission is the full length I prefer simply because it hit home that much harder when I first heard it and I find it’s more restlessly energetic and pummelling in the heavy parts, and more varied in it’s range of moods. Though Leviathan is probably a more complete and consistent album.

Oh and Brann Dailor is fucking godly.
Necro Joe said:
Well they manage to encompass almost everything that is good about modern extreme metal (intensity, energy, technicality, etc) whilst writing supremely memorable (and ass-kicking) songs that not only sound like pretty much nothing else out there.

You hit the head of the nail perfectly right there. "Remission," while allright, is a bit half-baked. It had all the ideas creeping up, but was nowhere near the coherent consistency of "Leviathan." I'd be much more into modern Metal if there was much more of this sensibility to be seen.
Well I love that Remission feels less controlled than Leviathan, the sound is more rough, the songs are less fluid, and I think this gives the album a really powerful, frenzied feel to it.

Anyway though (moving on swiftly) I've not actually got round to buying the new High on Fire record yet since I'm too busy enjoying the awesomeness of the new Primordial album.

The Coffin Ships \m/
I can't decide which band is worst of the two, but let's just say that if I met a member of Mastodon in a street and he was smaller than me, I'd club him over the head with a motorbike.