Black Metal. uh, sorry.. "African American" Metal

Funeral Portrait said:
God Forbid has all black guys and a white bass player. Nevermore has a black drummer (don't try to tell me he isn't black, I've met him on several occasions). Killswitch Engayge (hehe) has a black singer. Cephalic Carnage's singer has some color in him, not sure what he is though.
God Forbid has a black singer, black drummer, white bassist, and the other two look hispanic to me. the lead guitarist has long straight hair.
Crimson Velvet said:
Agreed! He is, however, easily argued the most overrated guitarist of all time.

And I think tipthepizzaguy made this thread only so that he could use that clever line in the title.

No, I seriously am interested. But that was pretty fuckin' clever wasn't it?
Oh, and thanks everybody, I got a pretty good list going now.
Jean-Pierre said:
Terrence Hobbs is fifty times better.

Look the point is here is not that Jimi Hendrix is technically superior to Terrence Hobbs. I have heard his music (Hendrix's) you know so I do know that it is not incredibly difficult to play.

The point is that Jimi Hendrix is EASILY the most famous (that's what I really meant by best)/influential/whatever guitarist of all time.
WNxScythe said:
I do wander what's with the lack of black guys in metal... at least compared to say white guys...

I mean, Jimi Hendrix is black and easily argued the best guitarist of all time!


There is no argument. He was the best guitarist of all time.
Hendrix = Maybe the 6th best famous guitarist of the 60s, behind Clapton, Beck, Page, Blackmore, and Gilmour, and just a hair ahead of Harrison and Iommi. Made some funny noises, I'll give him that. But as far as un-famous guitarists go, he doesn't make the top 10. Nick Drake was at least 5 times better, and he played an acoustic.