

Buffalo Bills /Mets/Rangers Fan
Jan 19, 2006
Long Island
Ken, Please put up some cds, I am so friggin bored at work its Pathetic....:zzz::loco: wish the new site was ready..(I Think)
The only thing that keeps me sain during the day is going on Music sites..I must have 25 of them in my Favorites..... :kickass:
Hey Bob, do you mind sharing some of the url's to those 25 sites you have in your favorites page? I only know of about 5 or so. I need to add to my growing collection of discs which btw has just recently passed the 1000 mark! I know, i know! Thats nothing compared to what Ken and other people on this forum have.:eek:
Lasers Edge-- Kinesis-- CD Universe-- ZNR--CD Baby-- Greg Walker-- CD Connection-- Sea of Tranquility-- Prog. Ears-- The End Music-- Ground & Sky-- Inside/out--- Magna Charta-- DPRP--Carllysi Music--Prog Arch. New Gibraltar--Straweberry Bricks....(off the top of my Head) plus on line review sites.........Have fun..................:Smokin::Spin::lol:
Please dont make me count my cd collection....... I might have to take a vacation day to do that......:kickass::headbang::danceboy:
ZNR?! I remember them in the 80's! They don't have much that interests me these days.
Really , And they take too long to update their Site,,, Monthly it seems:yuk:Sal, do you rememmber ""Big Balloon Music""??:lol:
Now youll be broke like all the rest of us:loco::D this is why I work at Wegmans 3 nites a week to support my cd addition.... (and Beer) thats what second jobs are for..
If you EVER post that you're bored again, you WILL come and count my CD collection. You are likely to find some unexpected gems. Transatlantic flight at your expense; accommodation at mine!! :D