D.R.I. In Nashville

I'm seeing DRI at a club in Memphis I believe. On a Sunday. It's a tad bit closer than Nashville to me here in Miss. Looking forward to it, even though it'll be more of a punk crowd than a thrash crowd! I'll still have my denim vest and thrash shirt rockin though!
DRI live always rules.
I think I have seen them 5 or 6 times over the years.

Bob - When the hell is the Chicago date? Too lazy to look.

A good friend of mine will be at the Nashville show.
I've never seen them and it sounds like a cool show. The other bands are from Nashville. Fist Of The North Star are hardcore punk. Noisecult is metal that crosses into punk (a combo of Sabbath, Motorhead, AC/DC). Gorilla Warfare is hardcore punk/metal.