Domain - Last Days of Utopia


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Domain – Last Days of Utopia
Limb Music Products – LMP 0502-077 – February 7th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


This isn’t the cover for The Little Mermaid, which means that there isn’t a penis to be found within the golden spires that compose the art of Last Days of Utopia. So stop looking. Moving on, this release from Germans Domain is a concept album, and an epic undertaking at that. And, it’s good for several reasons.

Obviously, the band has entangled themselves in a project that requires lofty musicianship and proper ambience. The music/story begins in “Harbour of Hope,” and quickly segues into an optimistic tune, namely “A New Beginning.” A musical surprise at the 2:45 minute mark (you’ll definitely recognize the melody) is pleasantly injected between solid instrumentation. I was skeptical that Last Days of Utopia would really live up to its attempted, grandiose hype, but “On Stormy Seas” won me over with its magnificent commencement. I can actually envision a ship being tossed to and fro on the sea as the music radiates from my CD player. “The Shores of Utopia” is one of two instrumentals. “Ocean Paradise,” the song that chases “The Shores of Utopia,” is perhaps more traditional power metal than anything we’ve heard up to this point. The lyrics, though I don’t have them in front of me, are somewhat second-rate in “Ocean Paradise.” “The Beauty of Love” is ballad-esque, and is thus my least favorite track on Domain’s first concept album. I like the troubled “The Great Rebellion,” as well as the panicky “Endless Rain.” Blistering guitars and keyboards introduce “Last Days of Utopia.” The succinct “Underneath the Blue,” and the dejected “Left Alone” relieve the title track.

It seems as if any band beginning with the letter “D,” and signed to Limb Music Products, is worthy of a power metal fan’s time and money. Dungeon are good, Domain are good, and Double Dealer are…well, I’ve never heard them before. But, my point still stands: Last Days of Utopia is a solid entry by a focused outfit.


Official Domain Website
Official Limb Music Products Website