Epic Doom Metal

Excellent recommendations so far...I'm loving some of the bands mentioned here.(Although i have listened to majority of em b4)

Also check out sahg/The sword.
If you wanna listen to some black sabbath rip-off(in a good way :p), then they are for you!
Excellent recommendations so far...I'm loving some of the bands mentioned here.(Although i have listened to majority of em b4)

Also check out sahg/The sword.
If you wanna listen to some black sabbath rip-off(in a good way :p), then they are for you!

Yeah, I've listened to The Sword before. I think they're pretty cool. Fun, Sabbath-y rock. And their newest record has some songs inspired by Martin's Song of Ice and Fire saga.
ya...their new album is great in my opinion.
Has a bit more diversity, and even if the overall sound remains the same, i really did enjoy it.
Even got used to their vocals...fits very well actually for what they do.
Not doom, but definitely check out The Pnakotic Demos by Atlantean Kodex. Brilliant epic heavy metal with occasional doomy parts. If you like Solstice, I guarantee you will like them.
Ok, so I've been having this on repeat since I got the album. They are so fucking good. :-D
I prefer Isen Torr I think over Atlantean Kodex for European epic metal, but both are quite good.

As for The Sword: not MUSICALLY terrible but considering how hipstery they are and the fact that they do nothing better than a lot of better Sabbath-throwback bands, there's no reason to listen to them.
isen Torr is really good too. But I don't know, The Atlantean Kodex demo/mcd has touched me the right way. It is probably the big Solstice influence that does it.
I prefer Isen Torr I think over Atlantean Kodex for European epic metal, but both are quite good.

As for The Sword: not MUSICALLY terrible but considering how hipstery they are and the fact that they do nothing better than a lot of better Sabbath-throwback bands, there's no reason to listen to them.
Well, they aren't that bad...you can listen to them once or twice..pretty enjoyable.
Will get old quick but first few listens are great!

Anyways i don't think anyone has mentioned these bands yet-
Lamented Souls
Another Messiah
Dawn Of Winter

Worth checking out IMO.
Dantesco definitely is worth checking out.

Also maybe try Dark Quarterer who are more epic heavy metal but there was a lot of crossover back then between heavy/doom metal so it could be right for you.
The Sword are a decent band, but they need far more diversity in their music. If they did I think they could easily be an excellent band, because they already have a really good "sound". It's just their vocals are all really samey and their music sort of blends together over the course of the album.

I think they are really fun for a song or two, but have little lasting effect.

But I don't get get the "hipster" comments. What the fuck does that even mean? Are you just complaining they're not a bunch of dorky metal nerds like you? Seriously, grow up.
I am one of the people who least cares about the hipsterness of a band, so I was basically mentioning it as a reason most people dislike them in addition to why I do (in a sort of devil's advocate-esque way).
But I don't get get the "hipster" comments. What the fuck does that even mean? Are you just complaining they're not a bunch of dorky metal nerds like you? Seriously, grow up.

Their hipster image makes the music seem that much less sincere than it already is. They seem to have no real interest in metal, and their music sounds more like it is catering to a current fad other than genuinely paying homage to the bands that originally crafted the style. When I listen to "worship bands", I like to at least sense that the members have a genuine interest/passion for the music they are playing, but I find none of this while listening to The Sword.