First good power metal album of the year


Jan 11, 2006
Not counting traditional/power (e.g. Pharaoh).

This is the first good one I've heard - Human Fortress - Eternal Empire.

The album is filled with good songs from start to finish. This is the first album of theirs that I've heard, though its their 3rd album. There are some aggressive vocals, but those against aggressive vocals shouldn't avoid because its pretty tame :)
Defenders of the Crown is a must have, although I think I heard that they have changed vocalists between then and now.
It's been discussed.

I also like it even with the new singer. The problem with new singers is that people tend to judge their work as compared to what the band sounded like with the previous vocalist. Unfortunately many people make their judgments based on their preconceived notion of what a band of the same name “should” sound like, rather than what they sound like currently. That probably won’t bode well for Human Fortress in this instance, as the new album is a big departure from the last two.

I personally evaluate albums based on their own merits, despite how they compare to previous efforts. Some of my favorite releases from bands come with a new singer. Sabbath’s “Born Again” with Gillan, “Mob Rules” and “Heaven and Hell” with Dio, as well as Iron Maiden’s “Virtual XI” with Blaze are good examples. That being the case, I like what I’ve heard from “Eternal Empire.”

As far as must haves go, I think “Lord of Earth, and Heaven’s Heir” was much better than “Defenders of the Crown.”
As good as the new Human Fortress CD is, the new Firewind disc is better. Firewind- Premonition is a GOOD album. Definitely tops for 2008!
Firewind "premonition" is as you said a good album. It's definately not their best album. I doubt it it will be anywhere close to my top albums of 2008. Not only is it a watered down immitation of "Allegiance," Apollo remains the weakest singer the band has had. The band that brought us "I Am The Anger" now brings us a cover of "Maniac" from Flashdance.
Firewind "premonition" is as you said a good album. It's definately not their best album. I doubt it it will be anywhere close to my top albums of 2008. Not only is it a watered down immitation of "Allegiance," Apollo remains the weakest singer the band has had. The band that brought us "I Am The Anger" now brings us a cover of "Maniac" from Flashdance.

Ouch...I don't know you anymore. :lol: :p

I politely disagree. I find it kinda cool that they would do something like Maniac. While I do think Burning Earth remains their strongest album IMO, I can't say I don't like the latest two efforts.

I really don't mind Premonition being a clone if anyone wants to call it that, I happen to think Allegiance was an awesome album.

As far as Human Fortress, not a big fan. There is just something about it that doesn't grab me, as I mentioned in the other thread. I'll give it a couple more chances to sink in though.
Ouch...I don't know you anymore. :lol: :p

I politely disagree. I find it kinda cool that they would do something like Maniac. While I do think Burning Earth remains their strongest album IMO, I can't say I don't like the latest two efforts.

I really don't mind Premonition being a clone if anyone wants to call it that, I happen to think Allegiance was an awesome album.

As far as Human Fortress, not a big fan. There is just something about it that doesn't grab me, as I mentioned in the other thread. I'll give it a couple more chances to sink in though.

As I said "It's a good album." On that we agree. I also said "It's not their best album." On that we also agree. I didn't say I didn't like the last too albums, so on this we agree. I'm not crazy about the "Maniac" cover, but I don't see how we're so far apart on this.

Even discounting Human Fortress, which I'm sure won't be on many "Best of" lists, would you consider "Premonition" the best Power Metal album of 2008?
I'm not crazy about the "Maniac" cover, but I don't see how we're so far apart on this.

Even discounting Human Fortress, which I'm sure won't be on many "Best of" lists, would you consider "Premonition" the best Power Metal album of 2008?

I don't think Apollo is a weak singer, I meant to add that in somewhere. I don't think he is weak in any aspect, he has a powerful and distinct voice much like the previous vocalist did. Add watered down is a bit harsh--I don't think its diluted at all, just a great continuation on the Allegiance effort's sound.

I won't completely say that Premonition is the best, because not all the albums that are coming out this year are out, but its in my top 2 so far. Brainstorm's Downburst being the other one--for me they are neck and neck.