Help with one of our songs, Genre?

I'd call it Melodic Metal. Some might say Prog Rock/Metal with the tempo and melody changes but I didn't find it technical enough to classify it as that.

BTW good song.
Melodic metal, really? Man, this one is so fun to play live. When we did it at the CD release, I was all excited and getting into it. When we were done, it was like Marty McFly at the Enchantment Under the Sea Ball (a few horns, and mostly confused faces). Out of Spite might be too prog-metal for the pop/rock heads, and too pop/rock for the prog heads, but, oh well. Fun is all that matters!
I would describe this as just plain awesome, who cares what genre, I really like it
Thanks bro! DAL Bash is going to be great, you better wear a hat or something your noggin is going to get sunburned without all that hair to protect it.

People from here should go there its going to be lots of fun, drive to the middle of nowhere IL and bring a tent and assist with the consumption of 40 kegs.