I've been coming since IX, which makes 7. Next year will put me at 50% of ProgPowers attended. I've known about the fest since 6, but IE with Barlow and having a job meant 9 was the first I could get to.
I've been to 12, missing 5 (honeymoon), 8 (choice) and 15 (surgery). I gave up my gold badge after 2 because I couldn't make the commitment before knowing the lineup. Got the gold badge back for 11 and I'm never giving it up.
PPUSA I, II, III missed IV

V, VI, VII Missed VIII

IX, X Missed XI & XII

XIII, XIV and now XV

That is 11 right? Its been a great ride. I had tickets to them all but life calls sometimes! Looking forward to next year already!

11 in a row, GB for the last 9 in a row. Had tix for IV, but had a "situation" happen that prevented me from going at the last minute. I take as much pride in knowing that I am responsible for several(7) other people who now attend as religiously as I do, due to "dragging" them to Progpower for their first time. All of whom(except 1 with major financial issues) haven't missed one since. \m/
I'm a relative newbie, because I've only been to two and a half: (8, Saturday night for 14 and both nights this year). However, I don't think I'll skip any in the future--at least as long as this festival lasts.
Went to 2, 3, 5, 6, 8. I missed #4 due to going to Bloodstock UK in 2003 and life/Kids kind of got in the way since. I really miss going and kicking myself for not making it down to see While Heaven Wept and this years show.
14 in a row.I didn't know about first one in Chicago.Living in Duluth,GA helps a lot!!
Almost feel ashamed that I've only done the last four (last 2 as a GB) with everyone else posting 11+
Just 3.5 for me, scattered throughout the years: #6, 8, 13 and just the Wednesday event this year (I'm counting that as a partial).

Interesting. It seems like for everyone else in this thread, once they started going to PPUSA, they continued to attend every year unless external factors got in the way. I assume that is due to the die-hard fan vibe here on the forum.

I have been to five PPUSAs: IV (2003), VIII (2007), XI (2010), XII (2011), and XIV (2013). The only time I would have attended solely for the lineup was in 2011 for Sanctuary. The other times, I just tried to have there be a few bands that I would like to see. The main draw of the fest for me is that many of my metal friends are in attendance every year, and I love hanging out with them. I would go every year if I could justify the expense and the time away from family. I hope to attend next year even though I will likely only watch the sets from Persefone, Dynazty, and Voyager.