Anybody else been asked if the Prog in Prog Power means Prague?

when I have vacation days at work they don't ask me WHERE I'm going they ask me WHICH band are you going to see? I've told several people about PP and when they've checked out the website they all go daaaaaaaaaamn I wish I could go!:lol:
I say "I'm going to a 2 day metal fest in Atlanta."

If pressed further for what the fest is called, I will tell them ProgPower. 9.9 times I get 'that' look and an 'ahhh'. Translated, "I have no idea what in the hell that is, but knock yourself out." When the rare person asks for more details and I explain that it's a music fest with Progressive and Power Metal bands, many coming to the USA for the first time ever, I get 'that' look and an 'ahhh'.

Just a few days ago, a co-worker asked me when my Metalfestdealything was. :lol: She remembered that it was around this time of the year every year.....
More seriously, I do get some odd looks when people ask where that festival is and I answer "Atlanta". "You're flying to the United States for a concert ?!"

I usually reply with "Why not ? You're flying to some tropical island for YOUR vacation." That usually shuts them up ;)

Heck, at least most people are flying to ATL for a few days. In 1999 I literally flew to Holland just for the first ProgPower Europe. It was then just a one-night affair and I was on Dutch soil for a grand total of 26 hours: flew in, got a ride to the show from a fellow Ytsejammer, crashed in a friend's hotel room for a few hours after the show and was back on the train to Schiphol Airport by 8am.

"Yeah, I flew to Europe for a concert. Doesn't everyone?" :lol: