I cannot wait...

Do you also listen to Chimp Spanner? I find they have somewhat similar styles. Futuristic or sometimes retro-futuristic. Both immensely talented.
I went looking for the answer to that and it seems there's a vague tease about some new music this year on his FB page. One can hope.
Yes DC, cannot wait myself. Was all over Assimilate Regenerate. I love how he does tons of vids and show his work, he is truly a virtuoso!

Hadn't heard this guy before but that was freakin' awesome - thanks for the heads up!

No problem Deron. You should pick up a copy of 'Assimilate Regenerate' for yourself. It's an amazing disc. My top two shred discs had always been MacAlpine's 'Maximum Security' and Becker's 'Perpetual Burn'. It bumped Becker from the # 2 spot. It truly is that good imo.