Is there any progpower girl here in Atlanta?

Alejo FRV

New Metal Member
Mar 28, 2002
Acworth, GA
Visit site
just wandering.. hehe.. I mean its kind of boring all the people listening to the same "crap" in this city.. they just let the comercial music get to them.. oh well is it that imposible to find a girl in this city that likes progressive and power metal? I hope not... well reply if there is any :eek:
BOO-URNS. This isn't your personal dating service. Surprisingly enough, the internet is NOT the best place to meet chicks, so go out and find someone like the rest of us do.
my mom and step dad met thru the net and they are doing great. This isn't a dating service but people shouldn't knock something as the internet is just one more way to meet someone. My friend is just about to get married to someone he first met online. they are doing great also.
It's not like I want to date someone.. I am just wandering that what I posted.. That's why I posted it, because of all the girls I have met, none of them like this music.. got it?
First of all, I said the internet wasn't the best place to meet chicks, not "it's a bad place to meet anyone". Second, you can talk to some girl online, and really get a relationship going, then meet her in real life only to find "she" is a 400 pound middle age guy. That is not something you have to deal with in real life. The internet may be fine for friendships and whatnot, and if that's all you're after (which it didn't sound like from your first post, no matter what you say), then fine. But, as I said before, the internet is not the best place to go looking for relationships of the other kind, despite the fact that some people get lucky.
I sounded like I was looking for a date? oh man.. well I don't think that's the case.. I already have a GF, but she lives in my country.. so.. that's all... And you are right, the best place to meet girls that like this music will be in the concert...
chibitotoro said:
Second, you can talk to some girl online, and really get a relationship going, then meet her in real life only to find "she" is a 400 pound middle age guy.

That's why I always insist on a phone call before any serious conversations happen with a girl. :D
Alejo FRV said:
just wandering.. hehe.. I mean its kind of boring all the people listening to the same "crap" in this city.. they just let the comercial music get to them.. oh well is it that imposible to find a girl in this city that likes progressive and power metal? I hope not... well reply if there is any :eek:
Tight, ya box!
ProgMetalFan said:
What's wrong with dating 400 pound middle aged guys?

Absolutely nothing, if that's your thing. However, I think I speak for most of the people here when I say that is certainly not my thing, and is not the thing of anyone I know. But if it is your thing, then more power to you...just leave me out of it, please.
Hey Chib..that was mean..he was only asking geez..

Internet is a great place to meet girls. Hey there were girls at pp3 so more girls are into power and prog.

The old BBS meetings were always least that way you can see with your own eyes who's who. :) Either that or become an evercrack addict only to find out that lovely elven sorceress you married on-line is a man named Bubba! ;) Cheers, Antonio
welllllll..... :lol: Me and my better-half Sheri (prog2112) met on the internet.

I always thought it was lame to attempt to meet people on ANY level of non-personal contact (i.e. dating service, internet, singles lines, ads) and NEVER went that route to meet the other sex. Funny thing is... when we meet (which was on the Dream Theater list over 5 years ago!) It was just on a "freinds" basis! In fact, when we first met face to face, SHE was the one that introduced me to Symphony X, Angra and Stratovarius back then, at which time I had never heard of!

...I guess you can see why I fell in love with the woman right? :saint:

Well, that's my story!
