Jasonix Was Right!!! Powerquest For PP8!!!


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Mar 29, 2003
Jesus! Where the hell was I? I picked up Powerquest- Neverworld and spun it at work (Impulse) just to see what Jasonic was going crazy about. Now I know!!!! WOW!!! Just kick ass power metal with riffs galore!!!!!
Dear God no.

I had to watch these guys 4 times on a mini tour with Pagans Mind in the UK, and I was bored to tears with the mediocre uptempo generic tunes I kept hearing. I think I liked 2 songs out of the entire set.
I think they have catchy songs - but their riff's? You have got to be kidding me. If anyone makes a joke about power metal being a bunch of power chords, they'd play Power Quest to confirm it. Their albums always have 3-4 good songs, and then the rest are the typical non-memorable songs. I like keyboards, but too many of their songs are little keyboard riff's with a dun dun dun dun on the guitar.

I'd take many bands over them
DrumRman said:
Dear God no.

I had to watch these guys 4 times on a mini tour with Pagans Mind in the UK, and I was bored to tears with the mediocre uptempo generic tunes I kept hearing. I think I liked 2 songs out of the entire set.

i was there too pal... hearing them made me want to JAM A PENCIL IN MY EAR!!!

cut down the caffiene guys..they suffer from Dragonforce-itis
Oh poop on you naysayers. Happy power metal rules and you are just jealous that some of us can smile! :) Nah (Sticks his tongue out at y'all). PowerQuest Rules!
Yes, Power Quest are the epitome of "flower" metal.
If you dislike "happy" in your power metal than they may not be the band for you.

Don't worry. If they are booked you will like them anyhow, right? :lol:
Power Quest is outstanding in terms of melodies and hooks. Not much power to them, but they'd be awesome for ProgPower. I like them so much I'd come to see them in any slot, even if I didn't like any other band on the roster.