Jeff Loomis

Yngwie is an arse hole :)

Jeff Loomis might not be THE BEST, but he has a style that nobody else has, i play guitar, and i think he is defenetly a great Technical player aslso. Very fast and hard. You might say that Petrucci is the best for example, but he plays stuff to restricted to scales, going aup and down blah blah blah, but jeff loomis plays all over the place which not only makes it difficult to play, but cool to listen to. He might not be the BEST but he is defenetly UNDERATED.
if you look at what yngwie says,he might have an ego bigger than life but he never says stupid things.he has the knowledge to support what he says.many people dislike him because he doesnt give singers space to show off theirselves too.well why should he?it's his band,it's his songs and he has the right to do it his way.
Uhm, petrucci RESTRICTED by scales? He uses them alot, but he merge's them so in the end it might not even be a "known" scale. And btw, Loomis depends alot on minor, dim arps and chromatic so...

But still, they are both good, different worlds.
My favorite is still Fredrik Thordendal.
I dont mean he restrics himself to the notes on the scale, i mean the way he plays them, when hes playing them fast he usually sticks to an accending and decending pattern. Dont get me wrong i think petrucci is a legend.

Btw, can anyone here play the River Dragon Solo?
dead6skin6mask6 said:
i think the riffage is amazing, especially for a 7-string. i don't usually like 7-string work

Dude, All a 7-string does is let a play have a wider range of lower notes. In Flames Plays (Clayman stuff) that low except they do it on 6 strings so they lose a high string. Your thinking is that if some one plays a 7-string, they play power cords like Korn or some shit. That isn't the Case, I just lets Loomis Play a low B while still giving him his highs. I can be done on a six string by sacraficing the high E string like I mentioned.
I doubt he cares. I agree with him. Most bands who use 7 strings get really awful completely muddy useless riffs. I cant stand em. Korn is a good example. I cant stand these bands who get 7 string guitars and only use the low B(tuned down 50 steps further). It's irritating to no end. Especially when they dont solo or anything, they'd just as well tune down a 6 string and use thicker gauge strings, but whatever. Loomis has been able to use the 7 string quite tastefully... at least as tasteful as is allowed in metal. ;)

Vai is the master of the 7 string, though. And he doesn't even play them as much anymore.

Either way, in closing, most bands who use 7 strings just abuse them horribly and just plunk away on the low b only. I cant stand that. Besides, most 7 strings start to sound really farty anyway because tuning down that far on a normal scale length guitar (24.75 or 25.5 inches) tends to have some adverse effects on the tone of that low b anyway.
Neon_Black88 said:
Btw, can anyone here play the River Dragon Solo?
Yep, Steve Smyth taught me how a few months ago :)

It was a lot easier than I initially thought, cause the way I figured it out by ear was a lot more awkward than the real way to do it. I power tabbed it out, but I cant get to that computer now. Sucks for you ;)

Anyway, to add something, Andy Sneap says that Dead Heart was recorded with a Dual Rectifier with a Tubescreamer on top to push it over the edge. But Jeff does use the POD Pro live. Makes sense, cause those things dont have nearly the capicity to break down on you right before the show like a tube amp (Goddamn I hate when that happens.... kids, always bring a backup).
Heh heh, i can play it.. but its hard to keep up. I got my tab of Guitar Pro, but the solo is tabbed out the same way as it is in most of the tabs i looked at. And it is very awkward for me considering its very hard to reach higher frets on my shitty GAX, and the frets are tiny.
I agree Tee, Paco is absolutely amazing... Al Dimeola is definately on par too.

I tabbed out 42147 a while ago, i think half of it made it here... The Learning is out there too, as well as most of Lost...
The river dragon solo is pretty simple. First complete nevermore solo i learned... I've got the first solo from 42147 down, and most of Seven tongues of god too.

Just learn it slow, and it's really simple...

Agreed dragonman, about Morbid angel. Listen to Where the slime lives... that's definately not muddy, that's fucking clean as hell... Nice work Treydude...