Live Damage reviews


Doctor BenQuillity
May 7, 2001
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So, the much anticipated Dark Tranquillity live DVD will be officially released tomorrow (unless my date-math is very poor) and all of us living beyond the borders of civilization (and thus outside the world DT tours in) can finally enjoy the best band in the world in their own private homes - all you aztecs, mongols, ostrogoths and, yes, finns - its time to rejoice, hooray! :hotjump:

In order to avoid a dozen threads were the content (or whatnot) of Live Damage is reviewed, I wanted to make this one thread, where we could gather all our praise and well-argumented criticism towards that very DVD. I'll promise to post my own initial comments as soon as I have experienced Live Damage all the way through (all fingers crossed for it to arrive tomorrow), but I would also be very interested to read the comments from other posters. Thus, please share your thoughts about Live Damage here.

ack, I haven't ordered it yet :(

at least this forum has enough order to keep stuff in one thread meant for it, not everyone has their own thread about it...

oh never mind, I can't rant well today.,..
It was just wishful thinking to begin with, but nevertheless, I didn't get Live Damage today. :( Tomorrow, perhaps...

Regardless, doesn't anyone have it already? Someone please, tell us how great it is! :hotjump:

-Villain (dying of anticipation-related brain-damage)
So either nobody has it yet, or it kicks so much ass everybody's still watching it. :p
*thought of all bad jokes about having a part of it, teh Treason Wall*

*instead feels pity for self and others*

Want more videos of DT damnit!!!!!! :yell:

[edit] And gigs, now I think about it :p :p

*hopes that repeating and worshipping and praying helps* :p
Ooooh Fortuuunaaaa *does religious weirdo dance*
OOOooh mighty MetalGod *does religious headbanging*
Ooooh Messiah :p *lol, no comment there*
Oooh Saints *hahahah I better stop* :p
Alright! Looks like I'm the first person to sample this wonderment! :D Jealous? ;)

What can I say? We all know that DT is awesome. And live, they are even more awesome. Mikael has the presence to back up his vocals, roaring out the opener: Wonders At Your Feet. Niklas displays some excellent improv on the solo, bringing it new life and vitality. The addition of keyboards into Punish My Heaven works brilliantly. I'm almost tempted to start a petition/plea campaign to have the older records remastered to take this into account. Drumming is also studio-perfect and you can FEEL each beat with surround sound, and yet it is not overpowering that it drowns out the vocals, guitars or bass. A few of my favourites, particularly Hours Passes In Exile, Hedon, Indifferent Suns and Zodijackyl Light were all included, much to my childlike excitement. ;) Overall, the main feature is excellent. The only possible negative comment I can make is 'what the bloody hell is wrong with the audience?' They seem full of apathy, standing around, not doing much, with ocassional polite applause thrown in between each song. Maybe five enthusiasts threw the horns at the announcement of Punish My Heaven, but that was about...tsk tsk tsk, what I would have given to be there instead of them.

Extras are all excellent, including songs from Essen, as well as many computer extras, including band photos and a Dark Tranquillity logo of your very own. The inclusion of the Monochromatic Stains and ThereIn videos is also welcomed.

Overall? Well worth the wait, easily the best live DVD I own. Excellent work guys, can't wait until the next album :D
I GOT IT!!! :hotjump:

Today, I woke up with a horrible hangover (no, I'm not talking about your usual every-weekend hangover, but about real suffering that makes every move and noise so damn painful) and with an incredible display of willpower and ignorance towards my own well-being I dragged my sorry ass to my mailbox... to find LIVE DAMAGE! :hotjump:

I felt immediately cured (later I noticed I really wasn't, but in my enthusiasm my body just forgot the hangover - for a while only, though... :ill: ) and I have this far watched the whole concert twice, once with my roommate's DVD-player without NTSC-support (ie. couldn't get any colors on) and once with my computer. To sum it all up with two words: fucking great! It was well worth the wait, I say.

I will definitely write a thorough song-by-song review of the concert and of the DVD itself (the interview was good, but the rest of the extras seem rather uninteresting to me), but for now I will just point out the few negative details that annoy me somewhat:
  • As stated before, the audience is overall rather lame. I'm not one who enjoys only the most brutal moshpits, but at least I'm not as immobile and bored-looking as about 80% of the crowd in Cracow. The bootleg-shows have much better audiences ("fucking essen!" :p), although the sound-quality there is much worse than in the actual Cracow-recording.
  • At least occasionally, but possibly all the way through the recording, the audio appears to come half a second or so earlier than the video. This is evident in some parts were Mikael sings clean vocals and his mouth-movements can be clearly seen. I haven't let this bother myself so much to actually try and spot all the moments where this can be seen (and it is rather difficult to try to look at such small details when you are jumping up and down and smashing your fist into the air ;) - my roommate doubted my sanity a moment ago...), but if you want to see it yourself, watch ThereIn, for example.
  • The flashing lights make my head ache. Or then it is the hangover. Seriously though, I'm damn happy I'm not epilectic, because I believe no-one with epilepsy can watch Live Damage through with all those flashes.
Anyways, despite those negative things mentioned above, Live Damage is an amazing DVD and it did definitely satisfy me for a while - if DT will never tour in Finland anymore, at least I have this DVD.

good reviews :) read them justnow, and I feel better than I have all day (still awful, but not as bad as before)

Is it an open air gig or in a club? I would guess that it might be indoors, but lights would also be used outdoors at night...
Let's hope those flashing lights at the concert didn't give any viewers seizures. :)
Arch: They didn't move enough to be evidence of seizures. There's one point where one guy roars and throws the horns when Punish My Heaven is announced, and everyone looks at him and he puts his hands down in embarrassment :lol:
I agree with Ville's comments.

I have only a few compaints. First of all it should have been made in PAL since it will sell more copies in countries that use pal than in countriest that have ntsc. Second of all the interviewer sucks, but it's good that Mikael knows how to give interestign answers anyway.

What bothers me the most is the lame crowd, meh
What bothers *me* the most is that somehow the distribution to Holland ones again doesn't work out as it should (now that was said in a *very* nice way wasn't it ;) )
In other words.. it's still not available in stores here :mad:

So to all of you who've PM'd me; I'll get it the day it's available.
Sorry for the wait :cry:

Weeeell, I got it yesterday, had a bit of a problem with
my DVD software (fucken Ravisent) as the sound seemed
to cut off as if it was loading or something. So I said,
fuck you, you old piece of shit software and installed
the brand spanking new crack of PowerDVD XP Deluxe and
booom, everything working fine, I don't know what everyone
else is comlaining about the sound, get new HW and SW
and quit whining :D

I haven't seen all of it yet, there is so much there, I love
the desktops, as I am too lazy to look any online hahah
But I too can agree on the lame audience, what is wrong
with you people (says the guy who was standing as far
back as possible during the Satyricon concert, merely doing
some headbanging... hey, there was beer, what can I say ;) )

Anyway, I might say more later, if I feel like it, I am still
at work heh