Mago de Oz

That's too bad cause these people could blow the roof off of Earthlink a la Edguy in the way, AWESOME new cd..their album covers were always weird hehehe.
Pellaz said:
--And I think Glenn mentioned they'd trashed a hotel room or a backstage room or something, which qualifies as 'unprofessional.'[/QUOTE

It's true.. they destroyed both, hotel room and backstage room

The reason?.. they wanted to play 10 minutes more than the signed in contract , the promoter couldn't modify the schedule, because after Mago de Oz followed to play Danzig and Motorhead.

This happened during MMF Vol. II here in Monterrey Mexico, May 2005
(MMF = Monterrey Metal Fest)

Six months later, the band played here again (november 2005) and Txus, the drummer and leader of Mago de Oz offered apologizes and he said that the band had to pay $60,000 USD for damages.
They played here last friday and they kicked ass!! They are one of the best folk metal bands out there. I don know how the crown would react to a non english singing band, music wise I think they would be a good choice for future Prog Powers.
Blind Wrath said:
They played here last friday and they kicked ass!! They are one of the best folk metal bands out there. I don know how the crown would react to a non english singing band, music wise I think they would be a good choice for future Prog Powers.

I so envy you, i will never see them here in the states, unless they play something like PP...anyway, people reacted pretty well to Orphaned land so I dont think language will be an issue as long as they play as awesome as they did on the DVD(Mago de Oz that is)