Meet n' Greets - After/Before show? Fanclub? By the tour bus?


New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2006
Any way to meet the guys from Anthrax at a gig?
I know that playing a full two hour concert is usually a very tiring thing to do, but are the boys available for short meet n' greet sessions or just a quick autograph after shows? I just read that to make up for the show cancellation in Gothenburg, the band met fans and signed merchandise at the barricades, and that for the Italy gig anyone who buys an official t-shirt will be able to meet the band.
So, any chance to meet you in Zürich on the 26th, Scott? :p :kickass:

P.S: I don't believe what some people on this forum have recently been saying about the guys being assholes that "don't spend enough time with their fans" or anything like that. Frankly, that would just be against the very "street" / "we're fans too, just fans in a band!" attitude which Anthrax has always displayed. By hitting the stage in bermuda shorts and t-shirts when most bands were wearing make-up and stilettos in the "metal" scene in the 80s, the boys already proved that they were down to earth and cared for their fans.
First of all, I've never experienced a 2-hour set with Anthrax, more like 1hr 20mn. Second, why do you need the autographs for? Seriously, What the fuck are you gonna do with an autograph? Pray to it?The music that's what matters...
First of all, I've never experienced a 2-hour set with Anthrax, more like 1hr 20mn. Second, why do you need the autographs for? Seriously, What the fuck are you gonna do with an autograph? Pray to it?The music that's what matters...

An autograph is a testimony to having met a "special" person. It's something you can look back on in 20 years time, and say with a grin "I met him/her." Obviously the reason for going to an Anthrax show is the music. Who's arguing against that? But if you get the chance to meet the band while you're at it, would you say no?
Rattlehed said:
An autograph is a testimony to having met a "special" person. It's something you can look back on in 20 years time, and say with a grin "I met him/her." Obviously the reason for going to an Anthrax show is the music. Who's arguing against that? But if you get the chance to meet the band while you're at it, would you say no?
Sure, I'd meet them, but not for the autographs. I'd ask them about some really important things, like "How to stop war and violence?", or "What's Charlie's favorite pasta sauce?", or "What's Scott's favorite hair spray?" All right, I'd ask them to sign my bald forehead, then run to a tatoo parlor and make it permanent. This way it'd be a real testimony...
First of all, I've never experienced a 2-hour set with Anthrax, more like 1hr 20mn. Second, why do you need the autographs for? Seriously, What the fuck are you gonna do with an autograph? Pray to it?The music that's what matters...

Totally agreed, I mean it's cool if you walk into one of the members by chance and can chat a little, but why the heck stalk them? I myself wouldn;t even know what to tell them except for that I really appreciate the music!
it's actually a collector's thing for people to get autographs. we carry a magazine in our hobbies section at work all about it. It's not stalking if you go to a signing or meet and greet or even a show. it's pretty much expected. if i were to meet any of the "stars" i'm into i would talk to them deffinately. if they had time. but i'd also get thier autograph. It's ok to buy a shirt... why not get a free signature?
Haha exactly^^. I don't really see what all the talk is about here anyway; no one's suggesting to stalk the guys from Anthrax just for an autograph :Smug:. Yes, I'm sure any fan who meets the guys would prefer to talk to them and get to hear some cool stuff straight from the source rather than just walk off with a signature on a peice of paper. But what's the big deal with getting an autograph(for collector's purpose) and talking to them at the same time? Last time I checked it wasn't too hard doing those two things at the same time, unless multi-tasking really isn't your thing. :lol:

Now to my initial question. How/when/where is it possible to meet the guys at a show? Hang around by the tour bus or try to get backstage? Do you have to be a fanclub member or does everyone have the chance to meet the band if they're lucky? I'm asking because I'm new to this forum and on a lot of metal band sites there are regular updates and schedules for meeting certain band members or entire fanclubs just dedicated to having fans meet the band.
Many American fans seem to take it for granted that they've met Anthrax "100+" times, but we in Europe don't get as many chances- countries are big and travel expensive, at least for some people. So if we go to one Anthrax gig, then we'd like to know if there's a chance to meet the guys or not. Not get feedback on how "useless" autographs are. ;)
Autographs are cool.
I wouldn’t really want the autograph of a musician that I didn't meet, but meeting musicians that you really respect is a rare opportunity.... and of course I'd want the autograph to signify that.
I had a brief conversation with Alice Cooper and he signed a couple of albums for me…. I also had the chance to talk to Mike Patton at a Mr. Bungle show, even if it was only for a few minutes, and he signed my ticket.
Both really cool people by the way.
I still really want to meet Devin Townsend some day.
DumbAss said:
Autographs are cool.
I wouldn’t really want the autograph of a musician that I didn't meet, but meeting musicians that you really respect is a rare opportunity.... and of course I'd want the autograph to signify that.
I had a brief conversation with Alice Cooper and he signed a couple of albums for me…. I also had the chance to talk to Mike Patton at a Mr. Bungle show, even if it was only for a few minutes, and he signed my ticket.
Both really cool people by the way.
I still really want to meet Devin Townsend some day.

Hey dumbass - how many times you seen the Bungle?
I met fantomas after a gig in Wales. They all signed my ticket. Lombardo was a bit of an arse, but Dunn and King Buzzo were great - we were chatting to them for over an hour - we was discussing bass-lines from the first bungle album. A night I'll never forget. Patton was quite amusing too.
I am in the CDC and patiently waited 45 mins after the Nottingham (uk) show while security tried to persuade us to leave (they had not been told). Eventually someone came and took us to the dressing room where 10mins was spent in the company of the three members of Anthrax who had ironically NOT been 'full timers' in the band. Scott and Charlie were nowhere to be found. Joey, Danny and Frankie were very friendly and top blokes but they said that after this tour they wont be ont he road again for a long time.

What did my membership money get me then? Meeting 3/5ths of the band and the possibility of nothing for months?

I can understand not meeting and greeting all fans to a show but fan club members? Comon there were only THREE of us!:mad:
What Doesnt Die said:
I am in the CDC and patiently waited 45 mins after the Nottingham (uk) show while security tried to persuade us to leave (they had not been told). Eventually someone came and took us to the dressing room where 10mins was spent in the company of the three members of Anthrax who had ironically NOT been 'full timers' in the band. Scott and Charlie were nowhere to be found. Joey, Danny and Frankie were very friendly and top blokes but they said that after this tour they wont be ont he road again for a long time.

What did my membership money get me then? Meeting 3/5ths of the band and the possibility of nothing for months?

I can understand not meeting and greeting all fans to a show but fan club members? Comon there were only THREE of us!:mad:

you became a cdc member just to get to the meet and greets? thats a bit shallow is it not? I only joined the CDC AFTERthe Glasgow show.. I met the band a few years ago and I wasnt even a cdc member!!!! and meeting 3/5ths of the band is better than a sharp poke in the eye with a sharp stick is it not.. :rolleyes:
It's pretty common for 3 bandmembers at the meet and greet.
Frank is always there!:kickass:
Joined by Scott and Charlie or Joey and Dan.
I don't know why but thats how they seem to go down. Be happy there was one at all because they don't always work out. Actually, I haven't heard of any M&G's not happening on this tour, so they are going alot better.
The T shirt, beer kolder, CDC access, and autographed photo (if you joined early enough) is what your money went for. Money well spent.
DumbAss said:
Autographs are cool.
I wouldn’t really want the autograph of a musician that I didn't meet, but meeting musicians that you really respect is a rare opportunity.... and of course I'd want the autograph to signify that.
I had a brief conversation with Alice Cooper and he signed a couple of albums for me…. I also had the chance to talk to Mike Patton at a Mr. Bungle show, even if it was only for a few minutes, and he signed my ticket.
Both really cool people by the way.
I still really want to meet Devin Townsend some day.

Cool man. :)
I met Dave Lombardo at a drum presentation demo in a local music store and got his autograph on my "Reign in Blood" album sleeve.
The closest I got to Alice Cooper was at his Montreux performance in July last year, which was filmed for a DVD release this year - and I caught his baton which he threw into the crowd during "No More Mr. Nice Guy".

Can someone answer my question though? Do you have to be a fanclub member to get the chance to a meet n' greet at a show?
What Doesnt Die said:
I am in the CDC and patiently waited 45 mins after the Nottingham (uk) show while security tried to persuade us to leave (they had not been told). Eventually someone came and took us to the dressing room where 10mins was spent in the company of the three members of Anthrax who had ironically NOT been 'full timers' in the band. Scott and Charlie were nowhere to be found. Joey, Danny and Frankie were very friendly and top blokes but they said that after this tour they wont be ont he road again for a long time.

What did my membership money get me then? Meeting 3/5ths of the band and the possibility of nothing for months?

I can understand not meeting and greeting all fans to a show but fan club members? Comon there were only THREE of us!:mad:

So you got backstage at an Anthrax show and you're still complaining? What's up with that?!
Bleearg said:
The T shirt, beer kolder, CDC access, and autographed photo (if you joined early enough) is what your money went for. Money well spent.
And some of us still haven't even got that yet, the 2nd attempt at sending me my stuff seems to have tits up as well. Just my luck. Since joing the CDC, I've missed ALL the chats, apart from 4 minutes of the last one, the band haven't came to Ireland on the latest tour (so I couldnt take advantage of the M&Gs), and I'm still waiting on my CDC merch. All this and I still refuse to slag the whole thing off in any way. Shit happens, get over it.