metal news?


Defender of the Universe
Oct 23, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA
So I have long read the Bravewords site for my metal news...but there's so much bullshit on it that I'm not sure I can take reading about Gene Simmons' latest testicle jewelry line and not kill someone.

I've checked out Blabbermouth before and I'm not sure I'm sold on them.

Anyone got any favorites that are worth checking daily?
Honestly, I really don't see the point of metal news sites anymore which is a shame, but with Facebook you can like your favorite bands and then the bands report their news on their pages faster than any of these sites can. I read blogs like MetalSucks because they offer other content that might be exclusive and interesting that doesn't pertain to news, but for just news - yeah, Facebook.
Even if there's some crap, Bravewords remains the best metal news site for me. I like the way their site is done, in opposition to Blabbermouth, whose interface sucks IMO.

Is more terrifying and maddening than C'thulu and Vecna's lovechild.
(if you get both of those references without google's help, major nerdpoints for you)

I don't do Facebook. I might try metalstorm. Their list of release dates is godlike, but I've not yet used their site for anything other than that.
Facebook for hearing about your favorite bands, and then create a rateyourmusic account, friend people using the compatibility features after rating your collection, and watch what they're listening to - you'll hear more about things you actually want to hear about that way.