My company's Hold music needs an improvement


METAL... nuff said!
I want my customers to call my company and hear Andy Franck screaming at them. I want them to hear John Petrucci's Glasgow Kiss. I want them to hear Kai Hansen shredding.

Easy-listening... BAH. Need some difficult-listening! I'm tired of Rod Stewart and the Beatles and CCR. I've called four vendors this morning and got the same song in two of the calls!

I wonder if I can pipe some online metal radio shows through our phone system...

Anyone else sick and tired of hold music? Or even... *gasp* MUZAK???
LOL :lol: One time FatesFan called me at work and asked me if I realized that Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train was playing on the hold music! Needless to say, I bet our general manager wouldn't be too crazy about the idea! :heh:

One thing about it though, if you piped some metal in it would keep your customers awake! o_O
Absolutly!! Your lucky that you at least got Rod Stewert or the Beatles. All I ever get is something like ENYA! :puke: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! And what is worse is the fact that when you are on hold for so long, you start to sing along with the damn words..!!! FFS, HELP US HOLD MUSIC GODS!!! o_O

There should be some sort of ruling on "Hold" music. It would make the wait much more enjoyable. Even more so, tolerable! Who knows, we might even call just to see what song they have playing!

The only suggestion I have is HANG UP!
Dude we have like Classical music on our hold music, be thankful for the real music you have.
How about?
"If you would like to hear EDGUY while on hold, press 1"
"For HELLOWEEN, press 2"
"For SONATA ARCTICA, press 3"
"For DRAGONFORCE, hang up and head to HOT TOPIC"!
The only problem is, I'd be an asshole, and pump music like Naplam Death, old Dimmu Borgir, or God forbid....Anal Cunt.

It's be even worse of the person was calling a rape counsel center.
Jasonic said:
How about?
"If you would like to hear EDGUY while on hold, press 1"
"For HELLOWEEN, press 2"
"For SONATA ARCTICA, press 3"
The downside is that I'd be pretty pissed when some one actually gets me off hold.
DGIRL said:
The only suggestion I have is HANG UP!

Ah, but then you're giving in. I'm convinced that it's intentional in many cases. You see, if you're calling a SUPPORT line, they probably don't *want* to support you....'cause that means hiring and paying people to support you.

So, if they can play music while you're on hold that's so bad, and so lame that you eventually get tired of hearing it and hang up....sweet! One less support call to answer! :heh:
Bryan316 said:
But what KIND is it? You got Symphony No. 5 or Flight of the Bumblebee or Ride of the Valkyries? Or wimpy violin concertos? LOL I need me some Carmina Burana all of a sudden!

I don;t ever call my work and get put on hold. I am just going by what several of my clients have told me.