Need your help... ¿Is metal criminalized?


Jan 22, 2011
Hello everyone.

I am writing a paper for an upcoming book on criminal justice. The paper addresses how metal fans have been stigmatized and/or criminalized throughout the years for their choice of music/lifestyle. I can think of obvious examples such as the PMRC in the 80's... but wanted to ask for your help in identifying more.

So... the question is... can you think of an example in which metal was criminalized? (If you can provide a link to the story... even better)

I appreciate the help!! :worship:
Don't forget about the whole suicide thing involving Judas Priest, and how the lyrics were blamed for contributing to the kids suicides.....
"In 1984, a 19-year-old American named John McCullom shot himself while listening to this on his headphones. His parents sued Ozzy, claiming this song compelled him to kill himself. The case, which became national news and a first amendment issue, was dismissed in 1986.
Ozzy claimed the track was misunderstood. He told Mojo magazine Aug 2010: "Listen, it'd be a pretty bad career move for me to write a song saying 'Grab a gun and kill yourself.' I wouldn't have many fans left.
Anyhow, that track was about me drinking myself to death. Look at the lyrics. 'Wine is fine but whiskey's quicker/ Suicide is slow with liquor/ Take a bottle drown your sorrows.' I knew even then I had an alcohol problem.""

Here's an article from LA Times.
Great examples!! I also remember the blame game reaching the doors of Marilyn Manson after the Columbine shootings. Right?

Keep them coming if you can think of more!!!

Check out the public access/public tv documentary "Dream Deceivers" re: the Priest issue/trial.

I think you can see it on youtube.

For the WM3, check out the initial documentary "Paradise Lost: The Child Murders of Robin Hood Hills". The sequel (Paradise Lost: Revelations) and the book "Devil's Knot" by Myra Leveritt are good, too.
I was / am / & still are a metal head.....

I have always hated hearing those baseless allegations of criminal behavior soley based on a preferred music selection. I have listed to metal since I was 9 and got a hold of a KISS record....Yes the black circle thing that spins around. I feel that I turned out OK. Especially since I chose a career path of Law Enforcement and having been doing it for some time now.
Don't forget about the metal t-shirt type issues eg;

The increasingly theatrical stage shows of the 1997 European tour helped keep Cradle in the public eye, as did a burgeoning line of controversial merchandise; not least the notorious t-shirt depicting a masturbating nun on the front and the slogan "Jesus is a c#nt" in large letters on the back. The t-shirt is banned in New Zealand,[6] a handful of fans have faced court appearances and fines for wearing the shirt in public.
The t-shirt is banned in New Zealand,[6] a handful of fans have faced court appearances and fines for wearing the shirt in public.

Great example! Do you by any chance have a link to this news piece...? or at least remember when it happened. As best as you can remember of course...
Behemoth frontman Adam Darski (Nergal) was recently acquitted of charges of blasphemy and indecent conduct over a case of him tearing out bible pages and uttering things like "behold the book of lies". Thankfully the courts ruled that it was an act of artistic expression, but it shows that in some parts of the world, even harsh language and certain forms of speech are criminal. America has freedom of speech yet has found a way to limit the expression of many artists, metal bands included. With certain forms of censorship and the use of things like parental advisory stickers, America has shown a distaste for a true version of "freedom of speech." I still would expect an outcry if anything artistic, however controversial, were to become illegal in the USA.
Great examples!! I also remember the blame game reaching the doors of Marilyn Manson after the Columbine shootings. Right?

Yep. To give MM (real name Brian Warner) his due, he has oft been eloquent in his defense of the goth look and lifestyle, even as many (well, probably most) goths drifted away and held him in contempt.
Yeah! He's a smart dude and his first few records are actually pretty good if you ask me.

WM3 for sure though to answer OP.
Behemoth frontman Adam Darski (Nergal) was recently acquitted of charges of blasphemy and indecent conduct over a case of him tearing out bible pages and uttering things like "behold the book of lies". Thankfully the courts ruled that it was an act of artistic expression, but it shows that in some parts of the world, even harsh language and certain forms of speech are criminal.

Gorgoroth also got in trouble for something similar.

To the OP, you could also consider the case of Acrassicauda, the Iraqi metal band that got run out of Iraq and Syria on religious grounds and whose members are now in the U.S. as refugees.
Malaysia has banned touring extreme metal bands and some non-extreme bands (they barred Megadeth) and I believe they also prohibited metal records on sale within the country. it was placed around 2004, so I don't know if it's been lifted.
Well... this can sort of apply to it:

Very recently in Brazil, an 9 year old boy was kicked out of class and sent to the principal's office because he told the teacher and the friends he liked bands such as Iron Maiden and Ozzy Osbourne and wanted to be a metal musician when he grows up. Once the principal found out the boy's likes, she lectured him for over three hours about how this all sent a very bad message, bad songs, lyrics that added nothing positive to his life, demon and death references, etc. The boy went home very upset and his parents are now suing the school and the principal. The boy is now going to a different school now.