New Megadeth Riff Sounds Awesome!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Fuck me, this is like Megadeth of old...well, maybe mid-era. I would have thought this was fake if it wasn't a link from the official homepage. Also, the voiceover doesn't sound like Mustaine to me, but still...

Check it out: [url][/url]

(The music plays automatically but it's really quiet, so turn up your PC volume before hitting the link).

I know it's just a verse riff, but shit, at least it's a step in the right direction for now. \m/ :heh: \m/
Black Winter Day said:
i thought it was semi-lame myself :(
Dude, those thirty seconds alone are better than anything from Risk or World needs a Hero! Shit, I'd even happily take a Cryptic Writings version of 'deth over anything from those last two atrocities.

i'll definitely be getting the album though :)
Black Winter Day said:
although i didn't buy the live one or that cash-in pile of shit "still alive and well".
Me neither, although I did buy Capitol Punishment for "Kill the King" and "Dread and the Fugitive Mind" alone. I was so pissed when they threw "DatFM" on World needs a Hero...bastards.

I'd like to see Rude Awakening on DVD, but I aint paying more than $5 for it simply because it's supposed to be atrocious (the quality of playing, more than the live footage). I've always got my eye out for that one - it'll turn up in a bargain bin one day no doubt.
Damn, that sounds pretty cool. Like what the band would have sounded like between RIP and Countdown.

Weak drum sounds though, where's Menza goddammit!!!!!!!!!

The thing with Mustaine was that the potential was always there in the later releases, just never materialized fully. Cryptic Writings had a handful of instant classic Megadeth tracks, and stuff like Kill the King ruled. Mustaine always suffered from schizophrenia though, that song Sweating Bullet was perfect for him. :lol:
That snippet sounds great to me - I'm gonna buy that as soon as it comes out.

I have to say one thing about Megadeth, whatever their faults were they never 'sold' out like like Metallica. The sound of Metallica is like Korn and the other nu-Metal bands out there.

I have high hopes for Megadeth.
Black Winter Day said:
i mean, i feel fucking OBLIGED to buy the new one... megadeth have meant so much to me over the years that i can't ignore their new stuff. although i didn't buy the live one or that cash-in pile of shit "still alive and well".

dammit, when is RIP2 coming out? :D
What are you talking about, you're 19! ;)
Demonspell said:
I'm hopeful that this one won't suck, especially since Chris Poland and Vinnie Colaiuta (great drummer) are involved,
Who's Vinnie Colaiuta by the way?

but I'm exercising the same caution I do with any band who recently made a string of bad releases...
True, but if one band proved it can be done, it was Iron Maiden with DoD.
New Megadeth sound check. The track is called "Blackmail the Universe".

Listened to it once, I thought not bad.....Second time, I had wood. Check out the Sabbath "War Pigs" homage at 1:33, and the "She Wolf" open E riff at 2:10. The ending fizzles out as expected with a sound check.

Imagine this properly produced, with vocal melodies/harmonies, guitar fills etc? I'm sold.

Fuck it, I would have bought the new Megadeth blind anyway.
I like it. Starts off really good, kinda fades toward the middle though. But that's okay!

Who the hell is Mustaine playing with now? Chris Poland and who else?
Yeah, it's just a soundcheck so it will sound a bit dodgy in places. It might not even be used on the new album...

Not sure about bass & drums. Poland is warped though - his solos are just freaky.
Actually, the drummer is Vinnie Colaiuta (ex Frank Zappa / Jon Petrucci / Larry Carlton).

Interesting choice, but then Al Pitrelli mentioned that all the new Megadeth riffs he'd heard (obviously written by Mustaine while they were touring on WNAH with Iced Earth) sounded like they could have come off Peace Sells or So Far So Good So What. Both those albums were packed full of Fusion elements if you think about it - just look at the intro to Mary Jane.
I always loved that Damn the Machine video on Headbanger's Ball years ago, never bought the album though. Should have.

*sniff* *sniff* what's that I smell...? :loco:

EDIT: Shit. $1.49 on I really should buy it.... can't..........fight...........urge.........!!!!!!!
NAD said:
I always loved that Damn the Machine video on Headbanger's Ball years ago, never bought the album though. Should have.
Totally weird, but you've got to listen to "Damn the Machine" by Gamma Ray. Go to CDUniverse, find the album No World Order, and listen to the sample of the song. I always thought that it sounded like Megadeth in an uncanny way, especially the vocals on the chorus.
