New Scott Ian Interview Online

Keep in mind Gigantour tickets were only $40 last summer....

Anyway - see that! Scott likes doing interviews! But seriously I would love to see some original questions.
Deege said:
It has nothing at all to do with commerical viability. It has to do with a record label that fucking blows ass and hasn't promoted an album since 2001.

Nuclear blast do a good job in europe promoting their stuff well compared to some labels but metal isnt exactly a money spinner let alone anthrax who have had some bad luck but facts dont lie regardless of promotion. Stomp,volume and the lastest hasnt sold well worldwide. SOWN to volume 8 where discontinued in the uk for ages due to lack of sales. SOWN sold brilliantly but stomp didnt do to well and it was different to what they had done before & when people bought they sold it again & never touched anthrax again which is a shame. Stomp IMHO was the killer album as far as i can see of anthrax I know alot of people who absoletly hate it but like WHCFYA & are just now getting back into them.
Out of interest - why is Island Records funding their website? Does this mean there must be a new record coming through Island with the reunited lineup?
timmyc said:
Out of interest - why is Island Records funding their website? Does this mean there must be a new record coming through Island with the reunited lineup?
If a record company that you're not even on anymore offers to fund your official website as long as there is no mention of your most recent albums (including your supposed favorite), and no mention of (supposedly) current Anthrax members, wouldn't somebody with integrity tell this record company to fuck off? Explain to me again how this isn't selling out.

Maybe I was wrong about the CDC. Maybe everyone here should pony up a bit more money so the band can afford their own website, so then maybe they'll be able to say what they want, do what they want, and pick what members of the band they want in the band, instead of a record company doing it for them.
nafnikufesin said:
Explain to me again how this isn't selling out.
There's a thing called a 'contract'. You can say some things. You cannot say other things.
It isn't selling out. It's being in a fucking band, dude. If you don't have a record label who promotes your band, what the hell are you supposed to do?
Island owns all the Island Years albums. MMmkay?
Island/Universal put out Anthrology. And they're part of the new
I noticed a bit of promotion for Anthrology and even Alive 2. More promotion than I've seen Anthrax get since SOWN.
Didn't anyone else notice that? What are they supposed to do? NOT care about promotion?? (At least they wouldn't be selling out then, eh?)

Anyway... I've heard that there's some Anthrax announcements coming soon. Coming to the CDC first, where Scott promised us that we'd hear whatever info there first.
You can join the CDC for this info. Or you could just pay me $25- I know a little something.
Or you can wait and hear it a few days after it's announced.
ThraxDude said:
There's a thing called a 'contract'. You can say some things. You cannot say other things.
It isn't selling out. It's being in a fucking band, dude. If you don't have a record label who promotes your band, what the hell are you supposed to do?
If the contract that you're offered only allows you to promote certain members of your band and completely ignores the existence of other members of your band, and you accept that contract, then I would call that selling out. You can call it whatever you like. If I'm John and Rob, I'd be pretty disappointed that the other members of the band didn't tell Island where to shove this contract. If being in a fucking band means stabbing your friends in the back, then Scott is right...there are things the public shouldn't know.

Scott and Charlie can't say who they're recording the next album with because they're bound by contract. John and Rob state in their interviews that their "time in Anthrax is done". Doesn't sound like their bound by the same contract, which means I'm not going to be too eager to hear this news first.
.......or maybe the support is for Anthrology and Alive2, the most current releases. Maybe the band needed to get a little help behind em to move forward at all? Some promotion, web site fundage etc goes a long long way. I am pretty sure that BOTH TIMES Scott Ian has said "we could not have continued without..." it was due to terminal record sales and failing promotion/support. We can speculate until there is nothing left to speculate but by that time the reality of the future will be known so ............. there ya go :Smug: Oh yeah..... there was no malice toward any singular fan or group of fans in this whole deal. Let it the fuck go already. I have done my bitching, left the board, lost faith and it all comes full circle like most things do. My outlook now is simple, would you rather have no Anthrax at all?
ThraxEm said:
.......or maybe the support is for Anthrology and Alive2, the most current releases. Maybe the band needed to get a little help behind em to move forward at all? Some promotion, web site fundage etc goes a long long way. I am pretty sure that BOTH TIMES Scott Ian has said "we could not have continued without..." it was due to terminal record sales and failing promotion/support. We can speculate until there is nothing left to speculate but by that time the reality of the future will be known so ............. there ya go :Smug: Oh yeah..... there was no malice toward any singular fan or group of fans in this whole deal. Let it the fuck go already. I have done my bitching, left the board, lost faith and it all comes full circle like most things do. My outlook now is simple, would you rather have no Anthrax at all?
The problem that any band (especially metal acts) face these days is that the major labels are only going to go after the acts they think will sell 10 million copies on the first release. Everything else the label will be lucky to recoup their original "costs" (never mind the fact they find every way possible to fuck over the artist). That's why the industry reacted the way they did towards MP3 technology - 'cause it rendered their bloated asses obsolete.

The other problem is that there is no major label these days that is really promoting metal. All respect to Metal Blade and Nuclear Blast, but they're not major players in the market, and Sanctuary has really gone downhill. So where does that leave a band like Anthrax?

Virtual show of hands here: If Scott and crew (no matter who was in the band - let's leave the John/Joey shit at the door for this one) released a bunch of songs that you could download - say $1 for each MP3, $2 for lossless like FLAC or Ogg Vorbis - thus bypassing the need to be on a traditional label, how many of you would open up your wallets?

Maybe - just maybe - the future of Anthrax would mean going back to the indie route, pressing their own CDs and selling them on their own site (not just the CDC). Again, virtual show of hands - how many of you would pony up the dough?

Count my hands as way up for both questions. And those of us outside of traditional media could really push the fuck out of this material.

Black Thirteen: without talking about any obligations Anthrax has, how viable an option would this be?
dailyvault said:
Virtual show of hands here: If Scott and crew (no matter who was in the band - let's leave the John/Joey shit at the door for this one) released a bunch of songs that you could download - say $1 for each MP3, $2 for lossless like FLAC or Ogg Vorbis - thus bypassing the need to be on a traditional label, how many of you would open up your wallets?
:wave: <--- *raises hand*

But just wait for the good news that is coming...:)
ThraxDude said:
I prefer buying the CD rather than MP3s. I like CDs cause I'm old-fashioned.

And I prefer when the girl swallows... but I just guess I'm old fashioned that way hehe

and btw, how much does it cost to run a professional website? it's not like you need a record label behind you to do it eh?

I agree with NFF because he's canadian and them canucks are smart people.
Black Thirteen said:
I like doing interviews. I wasn't pissed off at Bernard. I expected a tough intvw from him and I was laughing a lot. We've known each other since 84.

Well speaking as a loyal Anthrax fan its about time questions like those in that interview were asked but once again they were never really answered (one question your saying had the reunion not happened you would have just made the follow up to WCFYA and then in another question you say you wouldnt have made another record at that point :confused: ) so still, this fan is clueless. Still sounds like your giving us the runaround.
ThraxEm said:
.......or maybe the support is for Anthrology and Alive2, the most current releases. Maybe the band needed to get a little help behind em to move forward at all? Some promotion, web site fundage etc goes a long long way. I am pretty sure that BOTH TIMES Scott Ian has said "we could not have continued without..." it was due to terminal record sales and failing promotion/support. We can speculate until there is nothing left to speculate but by that time the reality of the future will be known so ............. there ya go :Smug: Oh yeah..... there was no malice toward any singular fan or group of fans in this whole deal. Let it the fuck go already. I have done my bitching, left the board, lost faith and it all comes full circle like most things do. My outlook now is simple, would you rather have no Anthrax at all?
I still can not understand how you can fuck a friend in the ass due to any contract or no contract at all.