Orden Ogan, my favorite "new" power metal band

Aug 14, 2008
I'm kind of shocked I don't see tons and tons of threads about these guys. From my understanding, they've been blowing up in Germany (in fact, in Germany they are refereed to as the next Blind Guardian) and Europe for the last 2 years and if you ask me it's just deserved. My big beef against most power metal is that many of the bands don't write any riffs and the songs just plod on for 4-5 minutes while the guitars just sit in the background. So it's nice to see a power metal band that not only has riffs, and great riffs, but also is "anthemic" and has super catchy songs. Yeah the choruses sound autotuned as hell, but who cares. Band is fun as hell. Great singer, great songs. Not sure if you can really ask for more! (well I do admit their name is pretty horrible :p)

This is their video they just put up a few weeks ago. I've been hip to these dudes ever since they got signed but I feel now they really have their own sound.
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I'm a big fan. There's been periodic threads here about them the last few years, although there were only 4-5 of us posting in each of them. Great band. I came on board with the Vale album.
Same here with Vale. I played the unholy shit out of Easton Hope when it came out, and any new album by them is an instant buy for me.
Been a fan since their debut, and have promoted them often on my radio show. I'll be showcasing the new album (which is incredible) in 2 weeks.
This band is great! Eastern hope is an amazing album. This band pretty much sound how I want Blind Guardian to sound-those big layered choruses but with riff based song structure. They certainly don't get enough credit around these parts, maybe its the slightly dodgy band name or too Blind Guardian-ish?
I wasn't a big fan of their first album, but a snippet of "Easton Hope" caught my ear a few months ago and I was hooked. That song you posted is one of the best pure power metal songs I've heard all year. That chorus just screams "sing along"!
I love these guys. Easton Hope was my #2 favorite album of the year a couple of years ago. Looking forward to getting their new one. It would be great to them play PP someday.
This is the first track off Eastern Hope and my fave by the guys. It's a ball tearer, riffing, epic, catchy.

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Good stuff, but am I the only one that doesn't understand the Blind Guardian comparison? I just don't hear it, but they are high quality that's for sure.
Good stuff, but am I the only one that doesn't understand the Blind Guardian comparison? I just don't hear it, but they are high quality that's for sure.

the emphasis on choir-like choruses and tons and tons of vocal harmonies is very BG like plus the fact they are from Germany and use folky melodies and folky themes.
the emphasis on choir-like choruses and tons and tons of vocal harmonies is very BG like plus the fact they are from Germany and use folky melodies and folky themes.

See but that's something that's common in a lot of power metal bands in general(the choruses), so when I listen to them, it's not like Blind Guardian worship or anything. Like you said, they have managed to sound a bit unique with their usage of more riff-based power metal. I'm guessing many are saying they're similar due to them coming from the same country. To each their own I guess.