Ozzy - Scream


Apr 5, 2002
Dallas, TX
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I'm just letting people know it leaked, only listened to a couple songs so far, nothing amazing, but way better than the last cd so far. I will give further thoughts after listening to the whole thing, Gus G does sound great though as always.
Its streaming on myspace.

This album absolutely blows!! It makes the last two look like "Blizzard" and "Diary" in comparison!

Hang it up Oz!!!
Its streaming on myspace.

This album absolutely blows!! It makes the last two look like "Blizzard" and "Diary" in comparison!

Hang it up Oz!!!

I have only heard the single, and I liked it, so I will have to check it out and see what it is like. Of course I liked the last Ozzy album(I am also a BLS fan)
mëtålspëd;9163913 said:
You liked the single Scream?? Im a huge Ozzy fan, but I have to call it like I see it... a fucking turd.

Just heard the song Scream so far and while not calling it a turd, it wasn't too good. It's really too bad that he didn't let Gus G. be involved in the writing. It would surely have improved the album...
Its streaming on myspace.

This album absolutely blows!! It makes the last two look like "Blizzard" and "Diary" in comparison!

Hang it up Oz!!!

not sure what album you heard, but this album is not bad at all. At least it is not full of Beatlesque ballads like the last few have been. Gus G has some really nice guitar licks on this album and THANK GOD not guitars squeals every 5 seconds from Zakk.
Here is my problem, its a bad Ozzy Osbourne album; Plain and simple! We're talking about Ozzy Osbourne here. The man has offered up some of the greatest hard rock music of the last 30 years, and the wonderful musicians that he's been blessed to work with are considered by many to be some of the all-time greats! Now with this in mind, re-listen to the drivel that is "Scream" and tell me it has any place alongside his other work. It just sounds like an album released just for the sake of releasing an album.
Heard he was on Kimmel and checked these out. I must say I'm shocked at how good his voice sounded, and after hearing the entirety of "Scream" I'm actually beginning to like it. Far from his best material though. I've always loved "Shot in the Dark" though.

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I listened through it...once. Its a simple "One & Done" disc for me. There is nothing left of the mighty Ozz machine. The album is complete & total dreck! I hoped Gus G would put some fire back into the machine, but even he sounds tired and uninspired for the most part...sorry, its over, Ozz
I really have no idea what you guys are talking about. I've been listening to this album non-stop all day, and I LOVE it! It's got some of the catchiest, grooviest, HEAVIEST riffs ever on an Ozzy album imo. And the vocals sound top notch. Some really catchy songs on there! My favorite song is definitely "Diggin' Me Down" though. That riff that kicks in is just soooooo heavy! I can't help but to head bang!
Heard he was on Kimmel and checked these out. I must say I'm shocked at how good his voice sounded, and after hearing the entirety of "Scream" I'm actually beginning to like it. Far from his best material though. I've always loved "Shot in the Dark" though.



he is singing to a backing track or lip synching. that is why he sounds so good.
he is singing to a backing track or lip synching. that is why he sounds so good.

You know, during the day today I was thinking more about that and figured it was something like that. I know I've heard a lot of times on talk shows/SNL that the artists aren't even allowed to fully perform. That's what happens I guess when I watch/listen to something like that so early in the morning. :lol:
Ozzy is a joke! If it wasn't for his manager wife and The Greatness of Randy Rhodes Ozzy would be a fucking whino somewhere. Sorry I used to look up to the Oz but the more I have learned about him the last few years the more I have realized he is a Joke. Ozzy's music hasn't been the same since Zakk left.
Ozzy is a joke! If it wasn't for his manager wife and The Greatness of Randy Rhodes Ozzy would be a fucking whino somewhere. Sorry I used to look up to the Oz but the more I have learned about him the last few years the more I have realized he is a Joke. Ozzy's music hasn't been the same since Zakk left.

So basically you're talking about ever since the last album? Interesting how you bash him yet you say he hasn't been the same since Zakk left which has been this year. :lol:

IDK. I still like most of Ozzy's stuff. His last one was mediocre, and as much as I love Zakk and BLS, I actually agree with Ozzy in saying that the music was sounding a lot like BLS. The music started to sound a little stale on Down to Earth, though I still like that album, but Black Rain really showcased how the sound had become stale. I have a feeling I will actually like this new one more, even though Gus G didn't do much besides play on it.
Ozzy is kind of like Iron Maiden to me. Its the vocals that just don't do it for me anymore, & that leads to lacking inspiration all around. Bruce Dickinson just doesn't have the range he used to have and the vocals detract from the whole package instead of being one of the bright points. Thats where Ozzy is to me. Gus plays great on the new disc, but comparing it to his other body of work, he is not wailing away. It seems tame in comparison to Firewind. Does that make more sense? Ozzys vocals sound processed and his range is gone, and Gus isn't killing it like he has in the past.It just leads me to think "Cash Grab"
Ozzy is kind of like Iron Maiden to me. Its the vocals that just don't do it for me anymore, & that leads to lacking inspiration all around. Bruce Dickinson just doesn't have the range he used to have and the vocals detract from the whole package instead of being one of the bright points. Thats where Ozzy is to me. Gus plays great on the new disc, but comparing it to his other body of work, he is not wailing away. It seems tame in comparison to Firewind. Does that make more sense? Ozzys vocals sound processed and his range is gone, and Gus isn't killing it like he has in the past.It just leads me to think "Cash Grab"

Confused by the Iron Maiden comparison. Maybe he doesn't have the range he had in the early to mid 80s, but by no means is he unable to do anything to the point where it's detracting.

I also wouldn't say cash grab as much as it's Ozzy just wanting to continue to play and record music. It's obvious he has an issue with retiring and really doesn't want to do it. I don't think it has anything to do with him putting out a "cash grab".