
Nov 15, 2007
Found this on /adv/ earlier today, is good fun.

Okay COBOT I need you to draw a house, some water, a sun, a tree, some flowers and a snake. Once you're done with your picture post it in this thread.


The house represents how you see yourself and the windows reveal how open you are. Count your windows. The bigger and more numerous, the more honest and open you are. None at all? Blimey, you're a birrova 'secret squirrel'. If you've put a TV aerial on the roof, you're quite a receptive sort of cove. If there's a chimney alongside it you might have pent up frustrations which you'll need to vent sooner or later. And if there's smoke coming out of your chimney, you're probably a little on the n-n-nervous side.
The tree represents your old mum ("Eh, not so much of the old." Squillions of mums throughout the land). Compare the size of the house (you) to the size of the tree (mummy). Does the tree positively tower over the house? Then, me ripe 'nana, you're a little bit dominated by her. That, or you just look up to her.

The sun represents your father. How high is it above the house and the tree? The higher it is, the more dominant a role your father plays in the family. The position of the house and the tree in relation to the sun is meant to be quite important - if the sun and the tree are very close together then you feel your parents have quite a close relationship. If the house is between the sun and the tree then you may feel you're caught in the middle of a battle between them (or you're just second in the queue for the bathroom).
The snake's a goodie - it represents how you see your own sexuality. If it is quite short it means you've got a tiddly... (Enough of that. Ed). Erm, if the snake is quite short it means that you're not particularly interested in sex, while a longer one shows more interest and less inhibition. If the snake is jolly looking then you're a bit of a flirty type - if it's scary then you find the prospect of sex a bit frightening. The further away from the house the snake is, the keener you are on sex. However - if it's right by the house (or in it) you might even be a virgin! (Get your rubber out, delete it, and move it away from the house quickly - before anyone sees).
The water is your emotional state. The more water there is, the more emotional you are. If you drew a moat surrounding the house then you're swamped by your passionate nature. A stream means you're hard on the surface but wibbly underneath. A pond means that you keep your emotions firmly in check.
The number of flowers you've drawn is meant to indicate the amount of people you feel really close to. One particularly large flower means you have a 'best friend', 'chick', or (if you're a girl) a boyfriend.

Here's mine:

AWESOMESAUCE, I like this stuff!
Here's mine:

Nao let's read.

/edit: Pretty damn accurate, except maybe the sun-dad being super-dominant part, but anyway, nice stuff.
Also, Ensi, you don't have a friend!! D: :( :(
I'm familiar with this, so participating it this would be a waste :/ though i got a laugh at ole' Ryan's expense. The no window thing is spot-fucking-on, you anti-social basterd.
i'm to lazy to read it again, does it says anything about the lack of colors?

I'm fucking awesome so I live in a spaceship. The stream, flowers and trees are all embedded on the planet on the right and are too small to be seen at this magnification.

And since my ship is called RLS (Royal Leandro's Ship) Snake, there's the snake.

I rule.

It's programmer art but that doesn't mean it doesn't have sentimental value.

I'm fucking awesome so I live in a spaceship. The stream, flowers and trees are all embedded on the planet on the right and are too small to be seen at this magnification.

And since my ship is called RLS (Royal Leandro's Ship) Snake, there's the snake.

I rule.

It's programmer art but that doesn't mean it doesn't have sentimental value.

>Implying you would see ANY background stars with the sun in picture
