Paul Di'Anno - Final US Tour

Screw you guys, I'm breaking up with the entire male population of this forum. You can all retrieve your things from the street underneath the window. Except for those things you value the most. I've sold those on eBay already.
I never though of any online battle as, "Hey, I will NEVER talk to you in person"

I have had great times with folks in person who I have argued with in the past.
Some of the lucky ones:
Met-Al = We even ended up in a band together!
OrbWeaver = She is lucky enough to mock my Jewfro with little backlash
JGolden = We share a love of the Exploited and other old school punk / metal
TheInvisibleGuest = We act like complete bros whenever we see each other, very huggy.....
JeremyGaines = The verdict is still out on this bromance, but I do like the guy very much

I would be happy to add EVERYONE on here to that list!

There is nothing wrong with disagreements, as long as their is respect.
We are all guilty of crossing the line at times.
It happens.

Jeremy Gaines? Are you trying to start a fight here?
From :

Former IRON MAIDEN singer PAUL DI'ANNO has announced the first set of dates for his upcoming US tour. They are as follows:

21 - Opera House - Oakland, CA
22 - Hawthorne Theatre - Portland, OR
23 - El Corazon - Seattle, WA
27 - Double Door - Chicago, IL

3 - House Of Rock - White Marsh MD
4 - The Chance Theatre - Poughkeepsie, NY
5 - The Webster Underground - Hartford, CT
6 - B.B. King Blues Club - New York, NY
18 - Ramona Mainstage - Ramona, CA
20 - Whisky A Go-Go - W. Hollywood, CA
I find it ironic how some of these venues gave me a lot of heat when the original tour got canceled, swore to write him off for good and are now booking him again... unbelievable.

Oh, and by the way, scumbag Paul couldn't even be man enough to call Icarus Witch and tell them "Thanks for the good times guys, but I'm choosing a different support band this time around."