Posters and Name tags...

Amber...let me know if you can locate mine from last year as well. My main PC just shit the bed (not sure what that means but my east coast raised boyfriend says it a lot :lol:) and I've nothing on my laptop to send. And the extra hard drive with all my back up on it is being used elsewhere right now. Might be a couple of weeks before I have the time to get my hard drive pulled and/or reformatted and back up. Lost my entire operating system. :erk:
Here's us. I'd give credit to the person who took the picture, but I can't remember who that was.
Amber...let me know if you can locate mine from last year as well. My main PC just shit the bed (not sure what that means but my east coast raised boyfriend says it a lot :lol:) and I've nothing on my laptop to send. And the extra hard drive with all my back up on it is being used elsewhere right now. Might be a couple of weeks before I have the time to get my hard drive pulled and/or reformatted and back up. Lost my entire operating system. :erk:
Found it! Sorry to hear about your computer problems. That totally sucks! Lived through it myself, actually, more than once.

Found you too, Pellaz. I used the one with the sword. :)
Who's to say they are trying to impress anyone? Should the same be said about Reverend Su's pic?

And are you telling me that in this day and age, someone can't take a picture alone, find a picture of themself alone or crop themselves into our out of a picture? Really?

And as far as Su goes, I love Su to death. You are reading into my request way too much.

I'm all for the sexy, goofy, and forum poster group photos. I think those are what gives the poster variety and makes it fun to look at.

I thought the point of the poster was to help newbies find the regulars, not for the people who post on the forum and the bands they met. I'm all for seeing pictures of people with bands and all, I just think submitting them for the poster is a little, dare I say, tacky and pretentious.

I think it would be easier to find someone with just their face, trademark tattoo, ring, etc and not a group of people who may or may not be at the fest. If we wanted to go that route, I'm sure every single person here could flood the forum/poster with image after image of them with a different band. But that would only suit to flood the poster and defeat the purpose of it in the first place.

My $0.02.

I actually agree with MetalRose here, but it's just a personal preference thing.

This year might be different but in years past a HUGE number of people submitted their pictures. Band members probably take up a significant amount of the real estate on the poster. Less band members = more room for forumers = larger pictures = easier to recognize and find people.

The poster is about the forumers, not the bands.
I actually agree with MetalRose here...
I do as well. The pictures with bands are great and are a lot of fun to see in the days and weeks that follow the festival. However, for the poster, bands, kids, dogs and grandparents should probably be edited out, for both the reasons that Metal Rose and Kaosaur mentioned.

So I came back to edit my reply, and there were two replies already! So I'll add this:

I actually enjoy seeing pics of fans striking a metal pose with their favorite long as it's easy to pick the forum folks out of the crowd.

That was kind of the issue I was having, people don't always know the faces of the bands, so it can be distracting to try and find the "real" poster in the group shot.

This year might be different but in years past a HUGE number of people submitted their pictures. Band members probably take up a significant amount of the real estate on the poster. Less band members = more room for forumers = larger pictures = easier to recognize and find people.
It's still a bit early, but we definitely aren't anywhere near the amount of photos we've had in the past. More, Larger, Clearer - I'm all for that. Of course, if I can't fill the space, I'll use whatever I get. That, btw, could be the reason for some multi-person, or repeat people photos in the past. If I have space to fill, I'll use photos I took of people at last ProgPower, so some of the "junk-filler" is my fault. :dopey:
I'm not really saying there's a lot of junk on the's never really been a big deal, actually. But I don't really worry that having less pictures overall is a bad thing...just means that we're larger on the poster.

That's okay by me.
And are you telling me that in this day and age, someone can't take a picture alone, find a picture of themself alone or crop themselves into our out of a picture? Really?

And as far as Su goes, I love Su to death. You are reading into my request way too much.

I'm all for the sexy, goofy, and forum poster group photos. I think those are what gives the poster variety and makes it fun to look at.

I thought the point of the poster was to help newbies find the regulars, not for the people who post on the forum and the bands they met. I'm all for seeing pictures of people with bands and all, I just think submitting them for the poster is a little, dare I say, tacky and pretentious.

I think it would be easier to find someone with just their face, trademark tattoo, ring, etc and not a group of people who may or may not be at the fest. If we wanted to go that route, I'm sure every single person here could flood the forum/poster with image after image of them with a different band. But that would only suit to flood the poster and defeat the purpose of it in the first place.

My $0.02.


LOL my point was completely overlooked and misunderstood. I totally understand what you're saying....sadly it appears you have no idea what I'm saying.

Your post would have been fine without adding in "I think if we cut the guess-who-I-know-are-you-impressed pictures out of the poster". You could have just said "if we cut the pictures of people with bands/musicians out of the poster".

You have no idea thats the reason why they post those pics. I almost posted a pic with me and Stian (Pagan's Mind), and it certainly wouldnt have been to impress anyone at a freakin prog/power forum/festival.
I almost posted a pic with me and Stian (Pagan's Mind), and it certainly wouldnt have been to impress anyone at a freakin prog/power forum/festival.

Stian's a pimp, yo. One of my best ProgPower memories is being up all night (till almost 9am) drinking knockoff-brand Salmiakkikossu with Stian.
Your post would have been fine without adding in "I think if we cut the guess-who-I-know-are-you-impressed pictures out of the poster". You could have just said "if we cut the pictures of people with bands/musicians out of the poster". .

True, but when I have not spoken my mind? You are right, I could've said it in a nicer more gentle manner, but honestly, I didn't want to. *shrug* That's me, I'm sometimes rude and curt and crass. Either love me for it or hate me for it. I won't change either way.

You have no idea thats the reason why they post those pics. I almost posted a pic with me and Stian (Pagan's Mind), and it certainly wouldnt have been to impress anyone at a freakin prog/power forum/festival.

I think that's acceptable as Stian WILL be at Progpower and has been at Progpower. And one person isn't the whole band.

Catch my drift now?

But I digress. Just my two cents and it's Ambr's poster. I won't balk if there are a ton of pictures of people with bands. I'm just stating that I think it's tacky to submit a picture of you with X-band, especally if it's NOT nor has been a PP Band.

I understand that there may need to be "fillers", but I think it's more fun to have fillers where we see one of "our" posters in the background.

No, it's flipping awesome. I made my own at home (when I still drank). Vodka & Tyrkisk Peber, baby!
Dude, that stuff was nasty.

Love your photo Revolt66!

BTW, I've enjoyed the conversation about what sort of photos to submit or not. People can do what they want, but it was a good discussion, imo. It would be nice to be able to identify easily the forum person in the photo.

BTW2, it would be also uber nice if people titled their photos with their name. You wouldn't believe how many photos I get called ProgPowerMe or DSC489ylj%$#6l97920.jpg. Just a suggestions, I'll get you in one way or another. :saint: