PP XII quotes

(courtesy of myself, Metal Rose, Lindsay, and Norm)

Vagina dentata, what a wonderful phrase!
Vagina dentata, ain't no passing craze!
It means no worries for the rest of your days!
It's our problem-free philosophy - vagina dentata!
I hope you mean 11 because if not just letting you know my psychic powers blow.

the quote that i got my new (what ever that thing is under the Username) from.

-"excuse me did you just say your name was growl?"
Some band quotes:

Seventh Wonder, asking the audience to sing along:
"You don't have to be in the right key. We're not"

Nocturnal Rites, talking about their music.
"We can't change the world. We're from Sweden. We drink."

Seventh Wonder, when asked about a release date during the GB show
Fan: "When's the new album coming out?"
Drummer: "Shortly after it's finished"

Also during the GB show:
"We haven't played this song in a long time, so when we f*@k it up, laugh like we will"

Tarot's co-lead singer, in one of his many monologues:
"Something something something, garble something something"

Steve in Philly
Not necessarily a quote, but the random drive-by foutain swim was pretty damned funny. Band shall remain nameless.....:lol:

That was classic!!! A perfect way to wrap up a weekend

I think one of my faves: just before Kamelot set -
"We love you Roy!!"
"Roy's not here!!"

Seeing lots of Seventh Wonder quotes - those guys were a trip and a half.. I laughed so hard with them at so many things Saturday night/ morning...