Question about the Kick-Off (for my sanity)

I'll be buying day of if I go. I'm not sure if I'll be going, partly due to affording it, and partly due to other factors. I'd go primarily to see Leprous. 6MC, and Borealis are alright and I'd probably enjoy them but they are just gravy. Its like Wednesday. Only one band I really want to see. Justify the cost? Sort of. I'd also go just to help with ensuring that it occurs next year.
If I may, any fans of John Arch style vox, and Symphony Xish music will really enjoy 6MC. They are a FANTASTIC live band, and their new stuff simply slays.

Thanks for the continued input :)

SIX MINUTE CENTURY will be the WTF band of the kick-off, they will simply put blow your ass away. One of the best Live bands I have seen.
This. Come on folks get your tickets, support Shane, look at all he has done for the music scene, and he is family. And read carefully what Claus said, that is a true insight into how things are.

Totally understand this line of thinking,but also on the other side of things.For most of us,it's not just buying a ticket,it's adding an extra night to an already high hotel bill unless you are one of those wo is staying at the Super 8:D
I understand you can buy a ticket and just not go,that way you are still supporting the fest but don't have to book the extra night at a hotel.That may be what some people do but I know it's hard to spend that kind of money if you are not going to the event.
I agree with the ass kissers. :p

There are several valid reasons for not wanting to buy the ticket for this show (if you legitimately don't want to go) or waiting (if you haven't lined up transport/lodging). And I totally understand not wanting to pay TicketMaster fees.

I try to think of the fees as a necessary evil. If the venue didn't have the exclusive with TicketMaster, it might get blackballed, lose money, and be forced to close. That would suck because I love the venue. If Shane picked another venue to avoid the fees, it might not be nearly as nice nor as convenient.

And if Shane were forced to cancel the show due to lack of sales, all the people that have booked airfare and hotel with the intention of going to that show - whether they bought tickets ahead of time or planned to buy day of show - will be SOL. A much bigger bummer for all involved than $10-15 in fees.

And remember, everything in life has fees. They just may not be as transparent and plainly indicated on the receipt. I worked in retail in high school and now I work in healthcare. In each case our markup was at least 50% on everything that wasn't a loss-leader. Some industries have more than one party in the middle adding fees and markups. In many cases the industry wouldn't survive without them. I hate TicketMaster and think the industry could survive without them, but venues and artists that have tried to skirt them may feel differently.
Let me remind you all what happened with ProgPower Scandinavia ... due to lack of presales we had to cancel the festival. As a booking agent you can not rely on the fact that people will show up at the door and buy tickets.


This thought never occured to me. I will definitely order both Wednesday and Thursday night tickets this weekend.
Totally understand this line of thinking,but also on the other side of things.For most of us,it's not just buying a ticket,it's adding an extra night to an already high hotel bill unless you are one of those wo is staying at the Super 8:D
I understand you can buy a ticket and just not go,that way you are still supporting the fest but don't have to book the extra night at a hotel.That may be what some people do but I know it's hard to spend that kind of money if you are not going to the event.

Totally valid point.
Everything that has been said is completely valid. I didn't want to come across as "desperate" so to speak, as it's not to that point yet. But it is worrisome.

It's the nature of the business, and I understand that. Thanks to those of you that plan to purchase your tickets soon, that will certainly help. Track me down, I'll get you a beer at the show ;P

And to those of you that will wait till the day of, that is totally cool as well. I just wanted to get a general concensus of what people were thinking.

All of you guys are great, and the lifeline of all 4 nights of the show. I do understand that money is tight....believe me I do. I just hope that you all will enjoy the performances, and if there is anything I can do to make the experience better, please let me know.

And to those of you that will wait till the day of, that is totally cool as well. I just wanted to get a general concensus of what people were thinking.

All of you guys are great, and the lifeline of all 4 nights of the show. I do understand that money is tight....believe me I do. I just hope that you all will enjoy the performances, and if there is anything I can do to make the experience better, please let me know.


You've been putting together some awesome shows for years now and I'm sure this one will be one of the best. Sorry for the sluggish ticket sales, but this year has been the worst yet for some of us. I'll buy my ticket as soon as I can, but right now I have a car in the shop and a huge college tuition bill sitting on my desk. In a few more weeks....

(edit: Mechanic called: Holy mechanical meltdown, Batman! May have to take a loan from the First Familia Bank of Rents. Still will get my ticket, though, eventually.)
Let me remind you all what happened with ProgPower Scandinavia ... due to lack of presales we had to cancel the festival. As a booking agent you can not rely on the fact that people will show up at the door and buy tickets.

We're less than a month away from Shane's "Kick Off" show now, and if people are planning on attending I really would urge them to go buy their tickets now.

Sure, ACCEPT will pull a bunch of local non-PP people, and they'll most likely just buy their tickets at the door. But the rest of us "progpower regulars" should do our part now in securing Shane's show and Shane's me(n)tal state ;)


This. I understand people delaying because they don't know if they're able to go or not. However, the last thing we want is for this show or future pp kickoff shows to be cancelled. Considering the work Shane put in to get this lineup, I would hate for that to happen.
If this happens and I have to miss Accept this year, I personally guarantee you that every one of you here that didn't buy a ticket, I will track you down and force you to sit, alone, in a room for an hour, with Milton. Naked. :lol::lol:

UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH shutter to even picture that.
First off I definitely think that Accept touring around this is affecting ticket sales for this individual show.
But here's an additional possibility. This is just speculation on my part but it might be having a real effect on casual ticket buyers:
I'm not sure that the Showcase being its own show is distinguished enough that local metal fans who are potential ticket buyers (outside of the core ProgPower base) understand that this is a separate show and that it is a cheaper ticket than the whole main fest. For example, look at the wordings of this Blabbermouth piece from today.

ACCEPT's first show will kick off the eleventh annual ProgPower USA festival in Atlanta.
ACCEPT U.S. tour dates:
Sep. 09 - Atlanta, GA - ProgPower USA (no KING'S X)

Imagine you're someone who doesn't spend time on the forum, but you have some level of awareness that ProgPower is a weekend-long fest that costs about $140 for a ticket. This article obscures the fact that Accept is a separate show that costs significantly less money. What I'm wondering is if some potential showgoers from the local Atlanta market don't realize the distinction because things like that Blabbermouth article make it look like it's part of the main, more expensive fest. Now maybe if you're a metalhead who lives around Atlanta, it's obvious already, so I could be wrong. But I thought it might be worth pointing out.
What I'm wondering is if some potential showgoers from the local Atlanta market don't realize the distinction because things like that Blabbermouth article make it look like it's part of the main, more expensive fest. Now maybe if you're a metalhead who lives around Atlanta, it's obvious already, so I could be wrong. But I thought it might be worth pointing out.

THAT is a really, really good point.