Radio Requesting

Har, har, DD. :)

Jack in the Box is really good when you don't get off work til 3 a.m., because it's the only place still open. And you can also get burgers in the morning (if your schedule is as screwed up as mine was) while everywhere else only serves breakfast.
they both decided to build at once, they both didn't have any interest until Wal-Mart came. Lowe's only wanted to because Home Depot was in Walla Walla, but that fell through, so Walla Walla called Lowe's to undercut Home Depot. Home Depot called College Place (tiny suburb of Walla Walla)
yep...some people think College Place should become part of Walla Walla, others don't. CP cops are the worst, never speed there. It's a 7th Day Adventist town. They have one grocery store besides Wal-Mart, and they don't carry meat products at all, they're closed on Saturday, no alcohol. There was a fight for if Wal-Mart would sell alcohol.
that small town stuff like that blow, can Wal-Mart have liquor. That's one thing about Californina you can by liquor just about anywhere. You just can't serve, sell or buy it btwn 2am and 6am.
Hard A in Washington is sold by the State, not by private vendors. They only stay open until 7pm too, on Friday and Saturdays, and 6pm other days, closed on Sundays. Beer at stores can't be sold between 2am and 6am also. Oregon you can buy at 2:30am still alcohol, but don't know on the hard A stores.
One old lame Cali thing was that all beer outside of malt liquor was 3.2% alocohol unlike states in the mid-west where 3.2% was sold to 18 year olds and 5.0% was sold to 21 year olds. But now most beers are around or just over the 5.0% range here.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Alcohol here is whatever it's supposed to be, but I know in Colorado you can only get 3.2 beer on Sundays, so there's a mad rush on Saturdays so no one runs out over the weekend.
Never understood the 3.2 thing but I don't have to worry about it any more.