Rolling top 10 for 2011

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
I know most people don't try that many albums and forming a top 10 is not so easy this early in the year but for me it IS easy. :)

Post your top 10s or 5s as it stands and update as and when you have changes as the months go and new albums break out. Here is my rough current top 10.

10. Perihellium - The War Machines
9. M.ILL.ION - Sane And Insanity
8. Appearance of Nothing - All Gods Are Gone
7. Stratovarius - Elysium
6. Emerald Sun - Regeneration
5. Axenstar - Aftermath
4. Bad Habit - Atmosphere
3. Turisas - Stand Up And Fight
2. Ten - Stormwarning
1. Power Quest - Blood Alliance
The concept is good. It's something I try to do each year so you don't forget about releases from earlier in the year.

LOL not sure of your choices though
RIght now for me it's something like:

Times Of Grace - The Hymn of A Broken Man
Architects - The Here And Now
Mr. Big - What If...
Noisear- Subvert the Dominant Paradigm
Trap Them - Darker Handcraft

Looking forward of course to:

Graveyard- Hisingen Blues
Red Fang - Murder The Mountains
Meek is Murder- Algorithms
Lady Gaga - Born This Way
World Under Blood - Tactical
Horseback - The Gorgon Tongue
The Haunted - The Unseen
Tesseract - One
Zombi - Escape Velocity
Inevitable End - The Occulus
Torchbearer - Death Meditations
Ulver - War Of The Roses
Rotten Sound - Cursed
Wormrot - Dirge
Symphony X - The Iconoclast
The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Belong
Control Denied - When Machine And Man Collide
Whatever they're calling the new Hammerfall
Whatever they're calling the new Gorguts
Whatever they're calling the new Pagan's Mind
Whatever they're calling the new Nails
And a bunch others...
I think these forthcoming albums may well dent that top 10 in good time and it will look pretty different. I do expect Power Quest to be in and around my top 10 most of the year though I'm loving it that much.

Bloodbound - Unholy Cross
Saxon - Call to Arms
Pagan's Mind
Artillery - My Blood
Amon Amarth - Surtur Rising
Wizard - ...Of Wariwulfs And Bluotvarwes
Stormwarrior - Heathen Warrior
Rhapsody Of Fire - From Chaos To Eternity
Stargazery - Eye On The Sky
Wolf - Legions of Bastards
Onslaught's Sounds of Violence is the best album I have heard in 2011
Was there really any need for that statement? It's a shame you have to stoop to ridicule. I say one thing and you twist it to mean something else even though I was actually being positive about the Meads album.

Stop taking the web so seriously!!! Jeez...

And he's got a point.. You're 2011 top ten fits his description!! :lol:

I can pretty much guarantee this album will be in my top 10 by the end of the year.

the other titles in currently in the index I keep go from solid records, to possible growers, to albums I expect to not sniff my top 50.
Random list of favorites thus far:

Evergrey - Glorious Collision
Stratovarius - Elysium
Voodoo Circle - Broken Heart Syndrome
Presto Ballet - Invisible Places
Mr. Big - What If?
Serenity - Death and Legacy
Shakra - Back on Track

New Jag Panzer is pretty good, but not what it could have (and probably should have) been.

I think I've heard 14 2011 releases thus far.