

Feb 27, 2002
Macon, GA
Damn, I sure hope this is correct!!! From Melodicrock:

According to Rush fansite, the band's new studio album is done. Producer Nick Raskulinecz is quoted as stating: "I think we made their best record in 15 years", adding that the upcoming release will have "the sound and vibe of an old Rush record - i.e one of the gloriously overwrought sci-fi prog-metal epics he grew up with, albums like 2121 and Hemispheres and Permanent Waves." Interesting! Just don't master the CD too loud guys!!

Rush fansite, the band's new studio album is done. Producer Nick Raskulinecz is quoted as stating: "I think we made their best record in 15 years", adding that the upcoming release will have "the sound and vibe of an old Rush record - i.e one of the gloriously overwrought sci-fi prog-metal epics he grew up with, albums like 2112 and Hemispheres and Permanent Waves." Interesting! Just don't master the CD too loud guys!!

Just for the record, the album is called 2112 and the website is

(corrected in the quote above)

And yes, I hope it is true too. I've seen them several times in concert and own the vast majority of their albums.
Been fan girl from the first album. See them just about every least once. There is some stuff in the 80's that I don't spin too often...but I think they found their way back very nicely.

I am totally stoked for this.
Been fan girl from the first album. See them just about every least once. There is some stuff in the 80's that I don't spin too often...but I think they found their way back very nicely.

I am totally stoked for this.

My feelings exactly, they kind of lost me on HOLD YOUR FIRE and PRESTO, a few good things on those but overall the weakest of their output IMO. I'm really anticipating this new one!
I prefer the guitar dominant era over the keyboard dominance - pop song era. But to each their own ;)

Yeah, I know. I was just kidding, I definitely prefer earlier Rush to the synth era. I must say I like a lot of their 90s music as much as their earliest music. I really do enjoy all of it though. :worship:
Great news! I was beginning to think they'd thrown in the towel after all of Neil's travails. I like nearly all of Rush's output, but I'd say Presto and Vapour Trails are my two least-favorites of the modern era.
I'm looking forward to the new Rush album and tour. I have all their CD's and this will be my 5th time seeing the band.
Vapour Trails did nothing for me and was imo a significant drop off from Test for Echo, though I enjoy pretty much the rest of their catalog, with Power Windows being my hands-down favorite. This new album sounds promising, and hopefully it's followed with an extensive tour.
As you might guess from my nickname, I am a Rush fanboy. I enjoy all of their albums from all of the eras. I'm currently reading Nei'ls latest book, Roadshow, which has been a good read. I've seen them 11 times and can't wait to see them again.