Ryche to tour the States with Priest

tattooedsean666 said:
I wouldn't want primal fear but how does Ryche pull this off. Tons of good metal be it regular heavy metal or power metal acts to choose from yet that would jump at the chance yet they get selected, I have the same reaction when I saw them get on the Maiden and Halford tour. :Smug:

I totally agree. These major arena drawing Metal bands NEED to bring a more independant/underground Metal band to at least open the show for 35 minutes. If this 'Old Boy' network keeps getting played the way it does, there will be no one to keep the torch alive in ten years.

Shit, what are your average Rock fans going to end up saying in 2015?

"Dude, I heard BUSH is getting back together!! Awesome!!" :erk: :loco:

Last time I checked I think the 'Ryche have sold a ton of albums, not to mention over 5 million of Empire alone. God forbid somebody else gets some fucking notoriety...
The Fiddler said:
Not if they were forced to play the old stuff or loose the tour. They will start to get a few ounces of my respect back when they not only choose to play the heavy stuff while touring, but also write new material that is just as heavy. Writing AOR rock for new releases and then playing mainly the metal classics when touring sounds like selling out or, at minimum, an identity crisis.

Totally, TOTALLY agree!!!

Hopefully Mindcrime II will return the band to their roots. If it stinks, then it will have been nothing but a money-grab. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I'm surely not going to "blindy" buy Mincrime II without first hearing it. If you would have told me that back in 1990, I would have said you're crazy.

Man, you KNOW this is a total cash & grab, by far!

Can anyone say, "Free download! Free download! Free download!"

Geoff, wave goodbye to the profits :wave: !
Well shit,it looks like I'm out-numbered here. I'm delighted that Queensryche is going to be touring again. Why is it that people like to criticize Queensryche so much? Is it the "Metallica Syndrome" of a great band turning into something else that most people don't care for? I guess the time after Promised Land really did lose them a few fans. I rather enjoy the band they've become because they've naturally evoled as musicians to what they are now. They didn't just decide one day to change musically, nor did they go on hiatus for 8 years and come back for a reunion tour with no fresh material and a rusted glimmer of their former self! But I'm not in the mood for arguing about it. I'll be happy to have the naysayers stay home. It'll be less crowded for those of us that still enjoy the band.

Goodness, I haven't seen so much slander about a band in a long time. Maybe I'm just getting older.

~Tammy Z~
sh0kr0k said:
Well shit,it looks like I'm out-numbered here. I'm delighted that Queensryche is going to be touring again. Why is it that people like to criticize Queensryche so much? Is it the "Metallica Syndrome" of a great band turning into something else that most people don't care for? I guess the time after Promised Land really did lose them a few fans. I rather enjoy the band they've become because they've naturally evoled as musicians to what they are now. They didn't just decide one day to change musically, nor did they go on hiatus for 8 years and come back for a reunion tour with no fresh material and a rusted glimmer of their former self! But I'm not in the mood for arguing about it. I'll be happy to have the naysayers stay home. It'll be less crowded for those of us that still enjoy the band.

Goodness, I haven't seen so much slander about a band in a long time. Maybe I'm just getting older.

~Tammy Z~

Like I just said...

These major arena drawing Metal bands NEED to bring a more independant/underground Metal band to at least open the show for 35 minutes. If this 'Old Boy' network keeps getting played the way it does, there will be no one to keep the torch alive in ten years.

If you're so excited about being able to see 'Ryche on a major tour (again), then maybe (just maybe, I don't know you) you aren't aware of a couple of lesser-known bands that would do even better nowadays, such as Balance Of Power or Pyramaze. 'Ryche doesn't deserve another arena opening slot anymore. Period.
lady_space said:
In that case, I'll be certain to check which show(s) you may or may not be attending and make sure I'm not standing between you and the bathroom. ;)
You never know where I'll turn up...beware :Spin:
Creeps said:
Rob took out Primal Fear w. Testament, Dimmu & Carnal Forge for a few dates before the tour fell apart. The Metal Gods Tour.

The black metal fan in me wishes to inform you that if you ever again confuse Dimmu Borgir with IMMORTAL, you're a dead man.

The Fiddler said:
Hopefully Mindcrime II will return the band to their roots. If it stinks, then it will have been nothing but a money-grab.

They played (as in over the stereo, not with their instruments) a song off of Mindcrime II at the end of their set on the recent Mindcrime tour. It was certianly not heavy, and in my opinion not at all good. And if that's the featured track, well, count me right the hell out.

I saw Ryche two weeks ago and they fucking tore it up. It was the best time i have seen them since Degarmo was in the band. Dave Meniketti came on and jammed out with them of Take Hold of the Flame too, it was a killer night and Operation Mindcrime was awesome, again.

To all that dont like Ryche anymore thats fine, but at the very least try to communicate that without being fucktards, that is if you have it in you.

Queensryche and Priest toured over in europe last year that is where this tour came about. I think the older songs are probably both QR and JP's decision but who knows, I will be there and it will kick ass.

sh0kr0k said:
Well shit,it looks like I'm out-numbered here. I'm delighted that Queensryche is going to be touring again. Why is it that people like to criticize Queensryche so much? Is it the "Metallica Syndrome" of a great band turning into something else that most people don't care for? I guess the time after Promised Land really did lose them a few fans. I rather enjoy the band they've become because they've naturally evoled as musicians to what they are now. They didn't just decide one day to change musically, nor did they go on hiatus for 8 years and come back for a reunion tour with no fresh material and a rusted glimmer of their former self! But I'm not in the mood for arguing about it. I'll be happy to have the naysayers stay home. It'll be less crowded for those of us that still enjoy the band.

Goodness, I haven't seen so much slander about a band in a long time. Maybe I'm just getting older.

~Tammy Z~

Yeah..l'm afraid they did decide to change musically. It was right after Promised Land. They totally went for more of a Grunge/Alternative styling that didn't fit them at all. And the lack of sales & fan support proved it didn't work. Now...they've decided to go back to the material that put them on the metal map. About damn time l say. Maybe Tate & crew have decided to get their collective heads out of Tates ass.
Bear said:
I saw Ryche two weeks ago and they fucking tore it up. It was the best time i have seen them since Degarmo was in the band. Dave Meniketti came on and jammed out with them of Take Hold of the Flame too, it was a killer night and Operation Mindcrime was awesome, again.

To all that dont like Ryche anymore thats fine, but at the very least try to communicate that without being fucktards, that is if you have it in you.

Queensryche and Priest toured over in europe last year that is where this tour came about. I think the older songs are probably both QR and JP's decision but who knows, I will be there and it will kick ass.


o_O Dave Meniketti ?!?! haven't heard that name in a while.

Obviously Rob & Ryche are buds, why else would they keep doing shows together. Rob tried to bring out newer bands with some older one and it fell apart. This tour should sell out every venue they play.
I've said it many times, QR may not be able to deliver in the studio, haven't liked a studio disc since Promised Land, but they can still deliver the goods live. No matter what I think of any future recordings, if they continue to put on as quality a live show as they currently do, I'll be there.

Oh yeah, speaking of Meneketti, they could bring Y&T out to open the show and that would kill.
QR should bail on writing Mindcrime II. I don't even have to listen to it to know its not even going to compare to the original...
sh0kr0k said:
Well shit,it looks like I'm out-numbered here. I'm delighted that Queensryche is going to be touring again. Why is it that people like to criticize Queensryche so much? Is it the "Metallica Syndrome" of a great band turning into something else that most people don't care for? I guess the time after Promised Land really did lose them a few fans. I rather enjoy the band they've become because they've naturally evoled as musicians to what they are now. They didn't just decide one day to change musically, nor did they go on hiatus for 8 years and come back for a reunion tour with no fresh material and a rusted glimmer of their former self! But I'm not in the mood for arguing about it. I'll be happy to have the naysayers stay home. It'll be less crowded for those of us that still enjoy the band.

Goodness, I haven't seen so much slander about a band in a long time. Maybe I'm just getting older.

~Tammy Z~

Tammy, I agree with you to an extent. I would actually go see this show, because I've never seen Judas Priest and I would like to see Ryche do pre-mindcrime stuff live. I think it's a smart move on Ryche's part to do this type of set, because their newer stuff has murdered their career. I've said this 100 times at least that if Ryche would put out stuff like Warning and Rage for Order now, I don't believe none of us would complain. I disagree with your statement about Ryche growing as musicians! Their new stuff just isn't any good! I still love the band and I'm loyal to them, but they've sucked in the studio since Promised Land! I've seen them on the tour with Dream Theater and Fates Warning in Atlanta. I'm here to tell you that DT rocked their world! Ryche still put on a good set, but they couldn't stand up to the likes of DT or Fates Warning! Then I seen Symphony X open up for them in Columbus, OH. It was the same story, Symphony X upstaged them left and right! I'm thinking they've wised up, and maybe they're moving away from the junk they've been throwing at us since 1997! We can only hope anyway......
DeathDevil said:
QR should bail on writing Mindcrime II. I don't even have to listen to it to know its not even going to compare to the original...

Since you can see into the future can you do me a favor and tell me how Pixar stock is in 2007? Thanks!!!!

Im pretty happy about this tour. Yeah its the same old song and dance, bring out a bunch of older bands. The only thing keeping my interest alive about Queensryche being part of it rather than Edguy, Angra or some other brilliant young European metal band is the older material. I have seen Queensryche twice now and while I did enjoy them they have barely played anything off the first three albums. I think NM156, the Lady Wore Black, and Take Hold of the Flame is it. They may have done Walk in the Shadows the first time I saw them with Dream Theater and Fates Warning but I am not even sure about that. It's my dream to hear "Queen of the Reich" live as it is my favorite QR song. Also want to hear Child of Fire, Warning, Chemical Youth, and anything else they have to offer off of those albums.

Of course I can't wait to see the mighty Priest. They slaughtered all at Ozzfest last year. Just wish they would bring some younger bands out like I mentioned. With Ozzfest coming to an end this year Priest should start a year metal festival. It would be amazing as Rob knows his metal. You would definetly see the power metal bands we all know and love so much as well as the black and death metal bands that are worth it like Behemoth.