Saint Deamon PP IX Diary


Drummer at AFM Records/NB
Nov 4, 2005
My friend Steve and I met up with you guys while we were on the way to the supermarket to get some beer (beer, more beer, etc.). Glad to have met you guys in person, both at the show and just walking down the street.

Hope you come back to the States in the future. Thanks for a kick ass performance at ProgPower! :headbang: :kickass:
That's awesome. Toya was really nice when I briefly talked to him. He commented on how great the ProgPower fest was and how excited they were to be here. Great blog. Its just cool to see how appreciative you are of everything, and how much the audience response matters to you.

I really enjoyed your performance.
Hello there again folks!
I'm sitting here in Stockholm, Sweden with Nobby and it's only 3 hours left before we're supposed to wake up and go to the airport to fly to Milano.
But of cause we need to give you this before our "beauty sleep". :headbang:

We sure did! :kickass:
/Ronny & Nobby

Part 1

Part 2

It was truly an honor and pleasure to have gotten to meet you guys. I hope you guys had just as much fun playing for us as we had fun watching you.

Yeah, it was me and 'Diamon45' above that met you guys out on the street Thursday morning while we were looking for a supermarket to get some beer and snacks. It was also me that Nobby saw in the seats from the stage and was pointing and waving to. It was also me that you guys were talking about skiing down on the floor after the Andromeda set.

Just to refresh your memory as to who I was and looked like. Here is a picture of myself with Tony Kakko from Sonata Arctica when I saw them back in August at Jaxx in Springfield, VA.

Like I said, it was awesome and truly a pleasure to have gotten to meet and hang out with you a bit. I wish I could've found you guys after the Iced Earth set was over (I KNEW I should've went over to the Granada to find that party, but damn, I was so friggan tired and just wanted to go back to the hotel and chill out. As much as I hate to admit it, but I am definitly not 23 years old anymore.)

It was awesome working with you guys at the fest, awesome set! I'm happy that you saw the comradere & brotherhood shared by the majority of the bands,fans, & crew. THAT is what Prog Power is really all about. Oh and cheers for actually having a pic of myself, Wayne, & Toya in your blog!
Too bad I don't look like I'm working! :lol:
John W
Very cool post. You guys were great! Do I understand though from your post that Dionysus is no more? It said you just released a best of to "close the chapter'.
Great blog fallas'. The show was fantastic, and everyone I talked to after agreed that your effort was above par. Especially the vocals were spot on. Or as I like to say. KLOCKRENA!!!

Also, Tack för snuset!!!!:kickass:

P.S We sold all the Saint Deamon cd's at Sentinel Steel.
One of my favorite performances of ProgPower!!!! I bought your album as soon as Glenn posted you guys were going to be part of the festival.Great live sound and awesome metal music when you have a singer that can blow the roof off!!!!
I hope you guys come back and tour the states!!!
Do I understand though from your post that Dionysus is no more? It said you just released a best of to "close the chapter'.

Wow yeah! What a bummer! I love Dionysus. I can't believe I havent heard about this, or the Best Of CD.

I thought the most recent disc was amazing.
Awesome, awesome read... Great reminder of just how f'n awesome this year's festival was!!!!

Here's to you guys coming back in the near future for another ProgPower!!!
Great getting to meet you guys - and you put on a great show!!

Wade & I met you at the hotel during breakfast on . . . Friday, I think. ;)

3 of us picked up your cd immediately after your set! Great disc!
You guys were the most fun band at PP this year!!! We all loved you and your set was KILLER!!! I hope to see you guys again in the US in the future!!! The cd is just better every time I listen to it!!! Thanks for everything!!!
Love and hugs!!




Partying at the Grenada with the "Porch Crew" sat nite til dawn with Urban and Nobby!!