some kids will get hammered

Tranquillian said:
Your mom should have kept the car locked at all times. It's just bloody common sense.

i dunno about canada, but here in blightly you're also fucked insurance wise if you don't - you're expected to take reasonable precations to protect your property.

you should still beat the shit out of the scummer, though
Lizard said:
we americans owe alot to French Canadians. after all, if Toussaint Charbonneau hadn't kidnapped/married Sacajawea, and gotten her pregnant, and beaten her, then she might not have hooked up with Lewis and Clark.
AsModEe said:
I have no idea what you'Re talking about, but I'm glad we helped?

It was on the simpsons, lisa was the indian chick and Lenny and Carl were Lewis and Clark. It wasn't a very funny episode from recalection.

Slice his achilles tendon clean through he wont bother your mums car again, or walk for atleast six months for that matter.
Tranquillian said:
Your mom should have kept the car locked at all times. It's just bloody common sense.
like I said... they didn't lock their car doors for 12 years and never had any problem. My mom tought to that kid in school, and I wouldn't be surprised if he did this for vengeance because he sucked in school, which is even more a reason to beat him up.
I'm not gonna comment on the beating up part except say that it's stupid. And I still say it's COMMON SENSE to lock the car.
don't take it seriously, we're not gonna beat up a kid, we're just gonna scare him a little, and possibly take back what he stole. And your common sense might apply in big cities, but in a town with 3000 people in which 1500 are over 60, locking doors is a bit useless
futile is not the correct word in that situation

unless the 1500 pensioners are heavily armed and adept at breaking locks, that is
it has been established that persons who have recently died have been returning to life and seeking human victims.
its hard for us here to believe what we are reporting to you, but it does seem to be a fact
... I don't suggest you to talk shit about my parents, I get agressive pretty fast. They worked their ass off all their lives to give us a comfortable living and the possibility to study. My mom won't even be able to retire before she turns 68 or she won't get full pension. Too much effort? Go fuck yourself