Spawns Year End CD Review Extravaganza


Apr 14, 2001
Heres the cds you simply MUST own from this year folks. Collect them all.

Sphnyx by Melechesh: Thrashy/black metal, but not very black metal at all i.e. you wont laugh when you see their photos. Its really great, very melodic, perfectly understandable vocals and great production, its a shame they will miss a lot of sales because of the black metal tag, they have more in common with thrash IMHO, and good thrash it is too. This album kicks ass, buy it! It has a Sphynx on the cover!

Valley Of The Damned by Dragonforce: Power metal but really REALLY fast, I like it. Its like speed metal on steroids! Get the title track on MP3, its great! Gay name though.

When Empires Burn by Bob Catley: Its 1987 era Whitesnake crossed with Bon Jovi with added AOR/pop rock/glam metal influences and a brilliant vocalist and best of all, incredible songwriting. Easily one of the best albums of the year, if not the best. I recommended it to Spiff and he thought it was great and he hates everything I recommend!
Epica by Kamelot: Its 17% off if you buy it from amazon. So anyway, as usual, brilliant vocals, great songs, fantastic guitar solos etc.

Darker Than Black by Cage: Its the followup to Painkiller that JP never recorded, plus add in some of Halfords solo stuff and you have this band. Not very original, but its fab :headbang:

We've Come For You All by Anthrax: We all have this album by now, so no need to say how brilliant it is.

Death Cult Armageddon by Dimmu Borgir: Genius. Naturally. I prefer Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (just...) because its more thrashy, whereas DCA is more like a soundtrack from a Tim Burton movie mixed with melodic black metal. And the drumming is unbelievable... Definitely their most accessible cd to date id say, so go buy it. And get PEM while you are there. Theres a naked lady in the booklet too *giggle*.

In Defiance Of Existence by Old Mans Child: Sort of like Dimmu Borgir, but the music is MUCH more melodic, with better riffs and the vocals are far more aggressive. Considering Galder and Nick are both in Dimmu Borgir its no surprise there are similarities, but thats good, 2 brilliant bands is better than one I think. Much more keyboard work here too. Strange band name.

Fallen by Evanescence: I liked it. Nice vocals, nice songs, and thats all you need sometimes. Could do without the glory hound hogging the front cover though, no wonder the guitarist left.

Twilight Dominion by Usurper: Heavy metal, not girly stuff, metal by real men who wear spikes and have long hair. They also have a song called Metal Lust and its great, any band that has "Running in fright, metal tonight, amplified rage... METAL LUST! METAL LUST!" as a chorus and yet STILL turns it into the best song on the album deserves respect in measures not given to mortal men.

Sweet Vengeance by Nightrage: Fuck In Flames, this band is WAY better. WAY WAY WAY better. Really aggressive, great drumming by that guy in The Haunted and brilliant songs! Fuck The Haunted too, they are over rated.

Renascent Misanthropy by Astriaal: I think Astriaal will be mighty upset when they realise it isnt 1993 anymore and they are HOPELESSLY out of date. But its ok, because a great out of date album is still a great album! Theres a really good instrumental on there too. They dont wear corpse paint though, so they lose points automatically for that.

Zos Kia Cultis by Behemoth: Weird one this, quite death metally, I like it. As Above, So Below kicks ass.

Slayer DVD: Woo! 17 brilliant songs by a brilliant band! I wish I was in Slayer, then id get respect.

Soul Temptation by Brainstorm: If you like Iced Earth you will like these guys, great American styled metal from a band in Germany. Very catchy choruses too.

Through The Ashes Of Empires by Machine Head: :worship: :worship: IMPERIUM! :worship: :worship:

Live Legacy by Dissection: Quite good as live albums go. I managed to get 2 copies thanks to fucking amazon taking so damn long to deliver it I forgot I ordered it and bought it at Utopia only to have it arrive about 2 weeks later. Ngg.

Soundtrack To The Apocalypse by Slayer: 5 cd and 1 dvd box set, the demo version of South Of Heaven is WAY spookier, and Raining Blood sounded extremely different in demo form, but still kicked ass! I also got a Slayer back stage pass without having to perform sexually for it, and a wall banner that I dont think is that great.

Our Cross Our Sins by Rondinelli: This came out in 2002 it says on the cd, but it didnt reach here until 2003 so im including it. BRILLIANT vocals and great dioesque songs, good hard rock.

Crimson Thunder by Hammerfall: Sydo would really like this album, JP style metal, nice singalong choruses, and the funniest back cover to a cd booklet in a long time. The heavy metal revolution needs YOU.

Once And Future King Part One by Gary Hughes: I didnt like this at first, but then I did! Great hard rock in the Bob Catley/Whitesnake/80s Bon Jovi style.

Vs. The World by Amon Amarth: Came out late 2002 but I didnt get it until this year so it counts. Really heavy, great riffs, and they sing about my Viking forebears. Theres a song called "Across The Rainbow Bridge" though. YMCA... Death In Fire kicks so much ass though. You should all buy this cd! They even look like Vikings in the booklet. Except when they have beer cans. Vikings didnt use cans, they used hollowed out boulders to drink from, LIKE REAL MEN.

Honourable mentions:

A Rise To Power by Dungeon: Not girly like most power metal. This is power metal played by men. Didnt make my best of the year list because they snubbed the Scarymetalpoomonster on the first printing of the cd. But he broke the chains and laid claim to the worldwide release, where he belongs. I think the Dungeon/Mayhem tour must have been good just because its such a weird pairing. I fucking hate Mayhem. I hate people who think Mayhem are talented too. I like Dungeon though. I hope Stu cracked Hellhammer over the head with a cymbal and Stu impaled Maniac on a pointy guitar.

Endtime Divine by Setherial: Good but predictable black metal. Nice cover.

The Apostate by Luciferion: The music is prime time Morbid Angel from their best era! Not too surprising but its very good, only the vocals are a let down, but its still great!

Disappointments of the year:

St. Anger by Metallica: I cant even put into words how bad this cd is, Koichi and I completely agree on this and that should tell you all you need to know. ITS THAT BAD. AWFUL out of key vocals, that fucking garbage can drum, WAY over long songs, FUCKING BOB ROCK and repetition up the arse. I HATE THIS CD. I cant think of a worse cd from a band of this calibre ever. Its an utter disgrace and Dave Mustaine will never again worry about Metallicas success because he knows that even though he wrote Risk and that turd of an album TWNAH, he didnt write St. Anger.

Heretic by Morbid Angel: Boring by the numbers MA album with nothing new. Enshrined By Grace is a good song and Stricken Arise is also, but the rest are boring. As much as I hate to join the "they have never been good since whatsisname left" brigade, MA have never been good since David Vincent left. Go buy Blessed Are The Sick, Domination and Altars Of Madness to hear true genius at work. They have spiffy cardboard covers now thanks to the rerelease, so thats worth it.

Enemies Of Reality by Nevermore: Following up DHIADW was too much for anyone, has its moments but sounds muddy and the songwriting and lyrics are nowhere near as good as DHIADW. I liked Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday though, nice ballad that, they should write more.

The Reckoning EP: Meh, boring.

The Sceptre Of Deception by Falconer: WTF is this? I dont know, its not that bad I guess, maybe its got good bits. I dont know, who cares.
WTF indeed Sydo! :headbang:

TWNAH is a big fresh smelly turd of an album. BUT ITS NOT AS BAD AS ST. ANGER! :headbang:
I agree with that on the stuff I got except St. wouldn't now garage/indie/thrash/trashcandrumming/emo/metal if I came and hit it the face withthe fucking CD. But yes I like St. Anger I think I said that enough when it first came out
Theres always more shit than diamonds, thats life!

The Astriaal one made my best of list, I like it, but im not pretending it brought anything new whatsoever to the genre, but as I said, you dont need to when its that good.
They dont wear corpse paint and they dont make scary faces, yet they play black metal. They kill you in Norway for that sort of thing you know.
I'm really shocked that Bob Rock had anything to do with St Anger. He's one of the best producers EVER (Dr Feelgood, Keep The Faith and Black Album production - enuff said!), how the hell could he make such a CRAP sounding record?
Some comments:

When Empires Burn by Bob Catley: Its 1987 era Whitesnake crossed with Bon Jovi with added AOR/pop rock/glam metal influences and a brilliant vocalist and best of all, incredible songwriting. Easily one of the best albums of the year, if not the best. I recommended it to Spiff and he thought it was great and he hates everything I recommend!
I liked ONE SONG. I can't even remember the name of it. No, wait, it was "I'll Be Your Fool". I haven't even listened to the CD for about two months. Shut up, Spawn. This album sounds NOTHING like Bon Jovi, and David Coverdale's career would be spinning in its grave if it heard this ponce being compared to Whitesnake. The guy can't even write any material for HIS OWN SOLO ALBUM.

Epica by Kamelot: Its 17% off if you buy it from amazon. So anyway, as usual, brilliant vocals, great songs, fantastic guitar solos etc.
ie, not half as good as Conception's "Flow".

Darker Than Black by Cage: Its the followup to Painkiller that JP never recorded, plus add in some of Halfords solo stuff and you have this band. Not very original, but its fab :headbang:
Who says "fab" anymore? Go and watch Will and Grace, gaybo.

In Defiance Of Existence by Old Mans Child: Sort of like Dimmu Borgir, but the music is MUCH more melodic, with better riffs and the vocals are far more aggressive. Considering Galder and Nick are both in Dimmu Borgir its no surprise there are similarities, but thats good, 2 brilliant bands is better than one I think. Much more keyboard work here too. Strange band name.
"2 brilliant bands are better than one"? How long did it take you to work that one out, Einstein?

Fallen by Evanescence: I liked it. Nice vocals, nice songs, and thats all you need sometimes. Could do without the glory hound hogging the front cover though, no wonder the guitarist left.
"And the Grammy for Nicest Album of the Year goes to..."

Sweet Vengeance by Nightrage: Fuck In Flames, this band is WAY better. WAY WAY WAY better. Really aggressive, great drumming by that guy in The Haunted and brilliant songs! Fuck The Haunted too, they are over rated.
What is "aggressive drumming", exactly? Is it going to bite your head off if you look at it funny?

Zos Kia Cultis by Behemoth: Weird one this, quite death metally, I like it. As Above, So Below kicks ass.
You want us to buy a CD just because you "like it"? Hell, that's a winning recommendation if ever I heard one! Jerk.

Slayer DVD: Woo! 17 brilliant songs by a brilliant band! I wish I was in Slayer, then id get respect.
Not from Haupy, you wouldn't.

Live Legacy by Dissection: Quite good as live albums go. I managed to get 2 copies thanks to fucking amazon taking so damn long to deliver it I forgot I ordered it and bought it at Utopia only to have it arrive about 2 weeks later. Ngg.
I hate it when that happens, but I hate it even more when Spawn whinges about it.

Crimson Thunder by Hammerfall: Sydo would really like this album, JP style metal, nice singalong choruses, and the funniest back cover to a cd booklet in a long time. The heavy metal revolution needs YOU.
The heavy metal revolution needs YOU to shut up.
:lol: :lol: Spiffo you crack me up. "Go watch Will & Grace" hahahahahaha!

I haven't heard that "Cage" band Spawny but if you want Painkiller-era Priest style metal then you can't go past Primal Fear's debut! :headbang: Not only is the music total-Priest style but Ralf sings EXACTLY like Rob Halford so much to the point where you could easily think "Is this a Halford album?" or "Is this a Priest album I haven't heard?" if you listened to it haha!
"Soul Temptation by Brainstorm: If you like Iced Earth you will like these guys, great American styled metal from a band in Germany. Very catchy choruses too."

Are you kidding? There's nothing American styled about Brainstorm. NOTHING!!!!!!!
Right, Astriaal get their points back that I took off because they didnt wear corpse paint. The fact that they USED to wear it but then stopped is even more old school :headbang:
Penelope said:
"Soul Temptation by Brainstorm: If you like Iced Earth you will like these guys, great American styled metal from a band in Germany. Very catchy choruses too."

Are you kidding? There's nothing American styled about Brainstorm. NOTHING!!!!!!!
Bands that get labelled power metal in America: Nevermore and Iced Earth

Bands that get labelled power metal in Europe: Gamma Ray, Helloween, Blind Guardian etc.

Brainstorm is WAY heavier than European power metal, thus they sound like American styled metal. And Andy doesnt have a weird ass accent.
Some replies:

Spiff said:
I liked ONE SONG. I can't even remember the name of it. No, wait, it was "I'll Be Your Fool". I haven't even listened to the CD for about two months. Shut up, Spawn. This album sounds NOTHING like Bon Jovi, and David Coverdale's career would be spinning in its grave if it heard this ponce being compared to Whitesnake. The guy can't even write any material for HIS OWN SOLO ALBUM.
Well, Spiff doesnt like it, if thats not a huge recommendation, I dont know what is. As for not sounding like Whitesnake, you are out of your mind, even vocally he sounds like Coverdale.

Spiff said:
ie, not half as good as Conception's "Flow".
No you are right, its twice as good. I have Flow and its not that good, Kamelot shit all over them from a great height. They will only ever be known as "that band Roy Khan was in before he started kicking ass in Kamelot".

Spiff said:
Who says "fab" anymore? Go and watch Will and Grace, gaybo.
I do, what the hell is Will And Grace? And dont be so homophobic you monster, they are people too you know.

Spiff said:
"2 brilliant bands are better than one"? How long did it take you to work that one out, Einstein?
Less time than its taken you to work out you should have ordered the NRL game instead of whinging about it being sold out.

Spiff said:
"And the Grammy for Nicest Album of the Year goes to..."
Probably Evanescence.

Spiff said:
What is "aggressive drumming", exactly? Is it going to bite your head off if you look at it funny?
Do you even listen to heavy metal? Think Peter Criss.

Spiff said:
You want us to buy a CD just because you "like it"? Hell, that's a winning recommendation if ever I heard one! Jerk.
Us meaning you? No, you have no taste in music as we have previously discussed, us meaning people interested in death metal? Yes. I wouldnt recommend a cd I didnt like you see.

Spiff said:
Not from Haupy, you wouldn't.
I mean respect from people whose opinion counts.

Spiff said:
I hate it when that happens, but I hate it even more when Spawn whinges about it.
At least it wasnt sold out.

Spiff said:
The heavy metal revolution needs YOU to shut up.
Go listen to country music and do some line dancing.
The Trooper said:
I haven't heard that "Cage" band Spawny but if you want Painkiller-era Priest style metal then you can't go past Primal Fear's debut! :headbang: Not only is the music total-Priest style but Ralf sings EXACTLY like Rob Halford so much to the point where you could easily think "Is this a Halford album?" or "Is this a Priest album I haven't heard?" if you listened to it haha!
Actually, you will think the same with Cage, the vocalist sounds a LOT like Halford, they arent the most original band, but they kick ass :headbang: Cage is probably a bit heavier than Priest, thats where the Halford solo album comparisons come in, its the best of both worlds :headbang:
Arent you president of the I hate Slayer club? Thus you wouldnt respect me if I was in Slayer, thus you are silly and your opinion doesnt count :)
Theres actually a few albums on that list that I want, and a few that sound alright and I might try to download a sample of.

I was really disappointed in 'Enemies Of Reality' when it first came out, but about 2 weeks ago I had the urge to listen to it, and I have gotten into it a little bit since. It definately is no DHIADW, and not as good as DNB either, but once you get over that, there is still some great material on there.

As for St Anger, we have talked about this enough. Some brilliant material on there, and heaps of potential, but it was just dealt with the wrong way. I really do think it could have been an album that would commercially top the black album, and become another classic, but they just didn't handle the material properly. There is only one song on there ('Purify', *shudder*), that I think it complete shit, other than that, every song has huge potential, and is just fucked up by either repetition, bad structures in general, the production (which I think actually suits a couple of tracks, and sounds really bad on others), the lacking of something more, whether is be a bridge and a solo or whatever. The album could have been brilliant, and it is for that reason that I still like it.
Metallica themselves have said in interviews that they think most songs on the album need chopping down, and it just seemed like a good idea at the time, and that they won't use the same prodution again, and that they will still continue toying with solos, and they were the only things wrong with St Anger, so I can't wait to hear their next effort!