

Bassist Member
Feb 12, 2002
Sao Paulo
Hey people!!

Anyone here ever played a Chapman Stick?? Kinda that one John Myung uses sometimes on Dream Theater?

I heard that is some kind of bass, but played only by the tapping technique. Anyone here ever played it?? Can someone say how that works?
My brother has one... and yeah, theres not too much you can do on it besides tap...

but its like a guitar and bass in one:
5 Bass strings tuned BEADG
5 Treble strings tuned the same...

actually, you can probably tune it anyway you wanted, but unless you're rich, this instrument is totally unpractical. Tony Levin is the only person I've heard play stick that actually impressed me with it. I think he plays it on the whole Liquid Tension Experiment 2 album...
sean malone played one on most of cynic's focus.

Originally posted by capeda
My brother has one... and yeah, theres not too much you can do on it besides tap...

but its like a guitar and bass in one:
5 Bass strings tuned BEADG
5 Treble strings tuned the same...

actually, you can probably tune it anyway you wanted, but unless you're rich, this instrument is totally unpractical. Tony Levin is the only person I've heard play stick that actually impressed me with it. I think he plays it on the whole Liquid Tension Experiment 2 album...
I still havent heard any Cynic at all.... Sean Malone sounds familiar, though.... is he that bassist from Gordian Knot? Anyways, regardless of how good some stick players are, I still feel that a stick is much more confining than a regular bass...
The Chapman stick is a tapping instrument, but there are about five different kinds. You can find Pics on

And I don't think that Tony Levin played the stick all over LTE 2, there are some fretless parts and also some normal Bass playing parts...but I don't like his style, at least not on this CD (I have never heard anything else by him)
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
He played the stick on Gordian Knot. I don't think he played it on Focus, at least from what I've read (could be wrong, though). GKII is gonna be mostly bass, though. He said he just wanted to show what the stick could do on GK.

Sean played the song Textures with a stick on focus and from what I have heard he did Sentiments with a stick when they played live.