Subsignal - Paraiso now in stock

Not at all...... This disc is fantastic. Beautiful arrangements throughout, and the bonus live disc (75 minutes worth) is fantastic as well.

Two thumbs up.
There was really some great and beautiful musicianship on this album.
When I first hear Subsignal, it brought me back to the first time I heard Enchant.
Have to say- the new disc is more of a grower for me. It's not instantly as catchy as the first two. It's very good, don't get me wrong- just taking some time to sink in. Would love to see these guys on a U.S tour.
I haven't got it yet but will eventually. Gotta say that I'm disappointed you never got Sieges Even to play the fest (I'd bet you tried though). Maybe Subsignal in the future though? :D
I can't believe how much I'm ejoying that first track. I was lukewarm with the debut and mostly missed out on the second. I checked the title track out and the samples available on Amazon and it sounds amazing. I always thought they had some cool song ideas but wandered and meandered too much. This new material seems a little more concise. Now I'm curious about their live DVD. I saw the youtube sampling and it sounded incredible, at least the 8 minutes I head. I suppose I gotta check into Touchstones now.
I'll go ahead and reuse this thread to post my thoughts to seeing them at RoSFest last night. It was my first experience with them, outside of picking up the new album the day before and throwing it into the CD player. Pretty damn good performance and the crowd ate it up. They played a couple of Sieges Even songs in their set as well.

Now we just need Glenn to bring them to ProgPower.